Logbook entry

"I Agree With What You Say But Not How You Say It"

30 Nov 2015Calteru Taalo
Personal log, supplemental:

So I'm watchin' this debate on Galnet, right? I know, I know, but there's nothin' else on out here. Anyway, these two guys are jawin' back and forth about the Fuel Rats. You know, those crazyasses who volunteer their time, money, ships and what's left of their sanity to go rescue morons who can't be bothered to pay attention to that bigass fuel gauge in most cockpits?

Right, so they're talkin' about givin' 'em a free service in gettin' their ships repainted to properly mark themselves as search and rescue craft. It's a solid idea - hell, it was done back in the Stupid Ages on Earth, so if it's obvious to a pack of knuckledraggers who thought resolving ideological differences with bullets and bombs it should be obvious to us enlightened spacedwellers, I figure. The one guy arguing in favor was of a similar mind, only cursing up a storm because he was apparently pissed at the notion of SELLING these paint jobs to the Rats.

Well, I would be too! Why the hell we gonna SELL proper markings to these guys? They're out their riskin' their asses for asses! It's not like they're askin' for free ships or anything.

The other guy - some egghead-lookin' dude in a suit, looked like he lived in Sol or somethin' - was all like "now, I agree with what you say, but not the way you say it".

What the hell's THAT got to do with anything, buttercup?! Because you have a problem with cursing, this other dumbass has a less valid point somehow? That's f*&^in' retarded! I died laughing and turned off the debate.

The Fuel Rats probably won't get free markings to help 'em with their work. And it sucks. But I can't blame a dude for being pissed about that. In my opinion, it's a natural reaction. But I don't understand people.

That's why I live on the Fringe. -Sid
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