Logbook entry

CT1: Pre-flight

05 Nov 2021Calteru Taalo
It is way too early for this crap...

The disheveled man-mountain smirked as he slumped into a captain's chair almost too comfortable for his liking -- a chair now his, as fate would have it. Bleary hazel eyes appraised the shiny, ultra-modern cabin of the Imperial Cutter, gaze lingering on the centralized output monitors.

His brother kept a helluva ship. You could fit a lot of anything in this bad boy. That was the man-mountain's intention.

Memories flashed back hazily as he went through the motions of the preflight checklist, none of them pleasant. He was scraping by when the law firm finally tracked him down, almost destined for destitution, too proud to reach out for help. The news of his brother's demise wasn't altogether shocking. Sid was wholly unpredictable, and always just a little careless. It was just like him to smack a Viper into an asteroid after dumping biowaste canisters on someone who offended him.

The news that his brother had managed to acquire a small fortune, however, WAS a shock. It was all his... provided he finished out Sid's "life task". Or, at least, the life task his brother may have had at the time of the writing of his will. Either way, all he had to do was take what Sid had left him, and buy a basic mobile space station. Once it was placed, he was done.

The man-mountain grinned to himself. At least he knew why Sid had picked the system he did, and his brother's quixotic quest was still miles better than slaving for peanuts aboard a Type-7 just trying to make the minimum payment to whatever subsidy of Sirius Corporation was after him THIS week.

Hazel eyes fell upon the security cameras, the grin softening to a smile as he noted the lump of rumpled blanket on the bed in the first mate's quarters, the kiddo no doubt snoring loudly underneath. The smile fell away altogether. If only Lil were still around to see how much that kid had grown since...

He sighed and shook his head shortly, firmly, finally focusing proper attention on the checklist. There wasn't time to dwell on the past. There were still schedules to keep.
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