Logbook entry

2019. Combat Elite

18 Oct 2019ArchAngel-7
1It finally happened. Ive been navigating this galaxy since 2015.12.26.(3301) and I have finally attained the combat rank of Elite! Two earth years after being granted the combat rank of Deadly! I could tell you that the rankings mean nothing to me but, I would be lying. I have to admit when I looked at my progress within the Pilot's Federation and I saw that I was edging closer to Elite, I decided to sell my skills to the Fortuna Life Company to help move that needle. They wanted me to aid in the destruction of the "Order of Enblackenment", a rogue faction of pilots around the Fortuna system. I told Lena she would have to sit this one out. Paid Leave, is what I called it. She was pretty pissed off for sure but, I needed to finish this without her taking away half of my progress, like she has done since she signed up. Afterwards, she could come back when things return to normal.

Two Down, One to go. In order to make Triple Elite, I will have to focus on Trading. It shouldn't be hard as I have been at the Tycoon ranking for over 3 years now. I am currently sitting at 50%, Tycoon. I will outfit the KoS with for more Cargo space and begin the very boring work of trading. Elite Exploration was easy to attain, it was the key to the Jameson compound and the upgrades we desired. I hope I don't have to do too much trading to move that needle another 50%! Time to grind.

07 ArchAngel out.
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