Logbook entry

Space Walk

18 Oct 2017Greybeard LXI
Space Walk

That’s what The Worm said. He stumbled against me as I was talking to Luigi and muttered “The Brick is scoping a button to take some long nosed bouncer on a space walk.”

I signaled Charley to give The Worm one on me. Good info isn’t free, and Worm heard a lot. He knew I’d do something for his bar tab later.

I went back to telling Luigi about how I bummed around for a year after my court martial before winding up in Gurney Orbital and taking the bouncer job at the Copper Rivet.

Luigi interrupted me. “That fight a couple days ago… The Zemetti Crew thinks you stuck your nose in their business and …”

“Yeah, a space walk with no suit. The guy that died a couple days ago looks enough like the Brick to be a brother.”

Luigi stood up and said “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in an hour.”

An hour and a half later Luigi shows up with some extra muscle. He introduces one of them to Charley as a temporary bouncer. Then he sits me down for some serious talk.

“We don’t like the Crew messing with our customers. Or our employees. We can’t protect you here, there are too many ways to get to someone unless they get VIP protection.”

“I never expected any protection. A good recommendation and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“You’re an honorable man and we think loyalty goes both ways. We are looking for a contractor that can fly and is willing to do some out system work for us.”

“My license is still good, and it looks like a change of scenery would be a good idea.”

So the Bolonii fronted me a travel case, respectable duds and sent me to a ship they want me to ferry to Zemetii. Couldn’t ask for a better deal.

But that reminds me of something Dad said:

“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
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︎3 Shiny!
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