Logbook entry

I got homesick.

31 Oct 2017Greybeard LXI
I got homesick.

And worried about my family. I haven’t seen them in over five years and things were unsettled, to say the least, when I left.

Helping support the Empire and improve the system economies in the Zemetii area has been pretty satisfying. My occasional encounters with pirates has been even more satisfying, especially since they barely scratched Fearless’ paint.

I talked to Luigi over a beer, and he said I’d be much happier if I went back for a visit. I would be more relaxed and able to do a better job without worrying about my family.

So I fueled Fearless, picked up some e-zines Luigi said would sell well in Pequen and took the three short jumps to home.

After I found a broker for the e-zines and got some pequenos for incidental expenses and to grease a few palms I went to the labor indenture market and asked about my family.

The receptionist was very nice and printed off the contact details for my family and the last recorded contract holder. There was no fee.

I dropped in on the Pequen Empire League office and asked about Dad. He was transferred to Bratabha and they did not have further information at Sy Orbital, I should ask in Bratabha. Another pleasant experience of people obeying not only the letter, but the spirit of Imperial labor law.

My visit to the Bureau of Pequen asking about Penny was not as pleasant. They treated my visit as an imposition and made no move to investigate and seemed offended when I hinted about a back hander. When I told them they were required by Imperial law to provide this information they said their lawyers would be happy to prove me wrong in court. It looks like I’m going to have to find a friendlier contact if I want to find my sister.

The wonderful part of the day was when I called the Allstate family to find out when Mom’s legally required half day off was. The Major Domo said that it was yesterday but that visitors would usually not interfere with her work. He said between 2 and 4 in the afternoon was usually a quiet time and I was welcome to visit then.

I knocked on the Allstate door at 2 and was promptly escorted to the nursery. Mom had just put the children down for a nap so we were able to sit and have a wonderful chat. She really appreciated the bon-bons I brought and hearing my news.

Mom is officially third in charge of the nursery, but the senior worker was quite old and the manager had other responsibilities which left Mom in charge. She had only good things to say about her contract owners. They treat their servants correctly and provide a decent retirement for those that work for them. Many continue working for the family after their debt is paid off.

And of course, she loves children.

Mom’s big concern is the same as mine. She hasn’t heard from Penny in at least four years. She heard from Dad fairly often the first three years. He was flying for the Pequen Empire League and was on station fairly frequently. Contact was sporadic after his contract was sold to Bratabha Services. She has not heard from him at all in six months.

I’ll be visiting Mom fairly frequently and bringing her some small items to make her life easier.

I think Mom’s in good hands.
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