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Copy of Letter to Mom 13 Nov 3303

14 Nov 2017Greybeard LXI
Dear Mom,

I’m writing you instead of visiting because I think someone is following me when I’m on Sy Orbital. I do not want to put you or the Allstate family in jeopardy.

Because the Pequen Bureau was not very forthcoming when I visited them to ask about Penny I decided to try an indirect approach. I did some work for them hauling messages and some goods until one of their regular pilots invited me to their local watering hole.

The pilots are mostly good people. They drank and smoked a bit too much, maybe; but most pilots do. They told stories like everyone else, but you would not appreciate many of them. Most were either too technical or concerned subjects I would feel uncomfortable talking to you about.

When I mentioned that my sister had been a bondservant there they got very in-curious. If I mentioned Penny’s age they got quite evasive.

I think one of the company’s goons over heard me and they’ve been keeping an eye on me when I’m on station. I do not want to lead them to you.

I’m going to have to find another way into the Bureau’s confidence.

I took some jobs for Bratabha Services, the people you said bought Dad’s contract. Elora Livingston was initially non-committal, but after I proved reliable he said I reminded him of another Greybeard.

I told him I was named after my father and asked if it was him. He wasn’t sure, so I left it. I don’t want to be as pushy as I was with the Bureau.

After a few more days, and jobs, Executive Livingston looked Dad up in their system. He told me Dad’s contract was transferred to Mayapok Co-op and Dad’s reputation was so large they were able to make a nice profit on the contract.

Mayapok Co-op does not have a good reputation among independent pilots. They fly the cheapest ships and do not do the maintenance on them that they should.

Speaking of ships, the Fearless is a great ship, but six tons is too little cargo space for the jobs available. She also does not have room for a SRV for many missions I am offered. A really great little ship, but doesn’t quite fit my needs any more.

I bought an Imperial Courier so I have better choices of jobs. Saladin has 20 tons of cargo space and an SRV. This opens lots of jobs for me. You will probably be happier that her shields and hull are much stronger so I’ll be safer. She also has better weapons so pirates will learn to keep away from me.

Your loving son,
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