Logbook entry

16 Nov 2017Greybeard LXI
Dear Mom,

I wish it was safe to visit you because I have news about Dad.  It’s the kind of news that should be delivered in person, because it’s not good.

I’m getting friendly with the people in the shipping office, but I’m still being followed on Pequen.  And I don’t want trouble to follow me to you or the Allstate family.

I met a pilot from Hajara Limited in Biesbroeck Station in Mayapok.  When I introduced myself he seemed shocked and mumbled something about “some other guy”.  I asked what he meant and he said the best pilot he ever knew had that name, and never came back from a trip.

When I told him I was named after my father he said I looked a lot like him.  He told me how Dad helped him and other pilots all the time, giving advice on flying and life, lending a helping hand where he was able.

He also told me what he knew about Dad’s last flight.  It wasn’t much. Dad was flying a Type-7 from Tarter Port, Rugien to Biesbroeck Station, Mayapok and never arrived.  Rumors said he had a valuable cargo and was attacked by pirates.

He introduced me to his friends and they all had a story about how great Dad was.  I couldn’t buy a drink all night.

These guys really knew Dad.  He helped them the same way he helped me when I was a kid.  Always treating them with respect and giving the best information he had, sharing his experience so they didn’t make the same respects he had.  

Some of them were like me; we knew better and had to make our own mistakes before we learned.

I checked with System Security and they confirmed that Dad was pilot of a Type-7 that was ambushed by the Mayapok Jet Rats.  They gave me a copy of the incident report.

I’m still trying to track down Penny.  I hope I will be able to bring you better news.

Your loving son,

July 7, 3303

Mayapok Co-op Type-7 89357 attacked by 3 Pythons believed to be working for Mayapok Jet Rats.  Ship destroyed before response force arrived.  All 3 Pythons destroyed by response force.  

Significant items recovered:  300 tons Palladium, 3 Python escape pods, 1 Type-7 escape pod with broken transponder and contaminated/empty oxygen tank.

Interrogation of escape pod occupants revealed the cargo and route of the Type-7 was known to the pirates.  They were surprised that the shield failed so dramatically and early.  It was almost like the ship didn’t have any shields.  The plan had been to take the whole Type-7 to an undisclosed location for disposal.

Results:  Court was unable to tie the pirates or ships to the Jet Rats.  3 pirates executed for murder.  Unable to identify source of route and cargo leak.  Mayapok Co-op fined 500 credits for improper maintenance of escape pod.

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