Logbook entry

Letter to Mom Nov 20, 3303

21 Nov 2017Greybeard LXI
Sy Orbital, Pequen
Dear Mom,

Trying to find Penny by working the dives and cargo office for the Bureau of Pequen didn’t work. So I rented a Dolphin to try to meet some of the big boys from the back office.

I took Bradley Noble on a sight seeing trip yesterday. Brad is the CEO of one of the Bureau’s allied companies. He knows how the higher echelons of the Bureau worked.

I think I impressed him with my piloting because just as I was giving him a tour of the cockpit a pirate tried to interdict us. There weren’t many people to talk to on the trip and he opened up to me more than he would have to most hired hands.

I don’t think the gourmet fish I found for him hurt either.

He met Penny while she was bonded to the Bureau. She had been assigned to do domestic service in their executive club. Intimate domestic services.

Brad said that after a girl lost her innocence or enthusiasm their contract was sold to the Spanish Fly in Apishna.

Apishna is about 50 light years from here, so I won’t be able to get back often to put messages in the local system.

But always remember that I love you.
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︎2 Shiny!
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