Logbook entry

That’s not nice

24 Nov 2017Greybeard LXI
“That’s not nice.”

That’s what I said as I grabbed the guy’s arm before he could break a beer bottle over the bouncer’s head; the bouncer being somewhat occupied “helping” another patron out of the bar.

I guess I got carried away.

I was sitting in the Spanish Fly on Hamuy Port, Apishna buying drinks for one of the bar girls.

Boy can those girls drink! They drank straight whiskey like it was iced tea. Two drinks for each beer of mine, and they never even slurred a word. And of course they were drinking a call brand.

It might have been expensive, but it was cheaper than taking one of them to the back room for some more private relaxation. It also gave me a chance to check out the girls. I’d never see Penny if I was in the back room.

The Spanish Fly was a pretty laid back kind of place. Kind of upscale and nobody went there just to drink. But this one guy wanted some rough stuff with one of the girls and the bouncer took objection to it. When his friend tried to join in my bouncer reflexes took over.

After the bouncer uninvited both the guys, he introduced himself as Mario and bought me a drink. He wondered how I knew just how much force to interrupt the fight and I told him about being a bouncer in Zemetii.

We reminisced about how thankless the bouncer’s life is and some of our better and worst confrontations.

Mario noticed how I wasn’t the usual kind of patron at the Spanish Fly. I was more interested in watching the girls than getting alone with them.

I told him I was looking for someone I knew. I showed a picture of Penny and said her contract had been sold to the Spanish Fly and I wanted to meet up with her again.

Mario was pretty non-committal, and had to get up for a discussion with another customer.

I guess my amateur private eye routine wasn’t as good as I thought it was. But I was thorough. I did get a couple of the girls to give me private tours of some of the back rooms.

It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
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︎1 Shiny!
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