Logbook entry

The Black Angus

05 Dec 2017Greybeard LXI
I went to the Black Angus on Gilliland Ring to meet Mario’s contact.  Fred wasn’t available so I took a seat with my back to the wall to wait for him.  

Boy is that place big.  I could have fit Fearless in there.  The bar must have been 35 meters square and five meters high.  The walls were all painted in white and there was a big bar in the center.  The tables were cheap folding ones, as were the chairs.

I kept my eyes open, keeping aware of what was going on around me but not catching the girl’s eyes or really studying the crowd.  You know, just making sure I saw trouble before it saw me.

Several girls were waiting tables and leading their Johns up staircases along the outside.  

One of the girls brought me a beer and made another offer which I declined.  She was a cute thing in a short white skirt and a dark blue blouse that concealed a generous endowment that swayed unconstrained.  I saw her a few minutes later and her blouse was open to the waist.

Now I wasn’t really keeping track of her, the bar was big, and I never saw her go upstairs.  But why would the blouse be undone unless she had… but she surely didn’t have time…

I decided not to ask.

Fred sat down while I was on my second beer.  

He accepted the package and told me Penny no longer worked there.  She wasn’t really interested in picking up enough Johns.  

Fred told me she was picked up by an agent for a place called the Organ Grinder.  He couldn’t remember the system or station name.  He remembered the woman had a Harma accent but she said she hadn’t been to the Pegasi sector in years.

Sounds like a real thin thread.  Elvira Martuuk invited me to visit and is pretty widely traveled.  Maybe she or one of her workers has heard of the Organ Grinder.
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