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Interview With Dr. Julian McCoy: Full & Unedited

21 Sep 2021The Asleep Bear
21st of September, 3307
Julian McCoy sits down for an interview with a Unity Times Reporter

Interviewer: "Good afternoon, Dr. McCoy, thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

"I'd like to start off by speaking briefly about the Dump The Meds campaign and protest, of which you were a chief instigator. With the events on Monday do you believe the protest failed?"

Dr. Julian McCoy: "You're very welcome, I do enjoy seeing myself on the big screens.

"Personally? I don't believe the campaign failed. I was sat on that landing pad with barely any sleep for almost three days, and some of those people I spoke to? They genuinely had no idea what was going on. They were just there for the credits. We got the word out, that's what matters."

I: "But ultimately this 'Salvation' and his plan worked. Investigations into what exactly happened are ongoing and as of now Salvation has stayed quiet. How do you react to what happened in Cornsar?"

JM: "How do I react? I think it's absolutely appalling, we still don't know the mechanism of action or delivery method, let alone what this 'weapon' even was. The most sickening thing is that I'm glad we've been vindicated in what we did, and what we tried to do. The vast majority of the sheep are so gullible that they'll do anything for a few CR. I'm just happy we've been proven right, I've seen the newsfeeds, people are slowly starting to regret their part in it. Means they're more likely to listen to us next time."

I: "You must have seen a good number of the components contained in the disguised shipments intended for Cornsar, would you care to speculate about the nature of the weapon that Salvation deployed?"

JM: "Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a good look at any, the containers were all entirely sealed. We tried opening a few but the contents were booby trapped, thankfully we had them opened by a drone in space otherwise I would've lost a few people.

"The nature of the weapon? Well from what eyewitness reports indicate, there were no energy discharges, electrical signatures or radiation releases. The Thargoids simply, for a lack of better terminology, dropped whatever they were doing and jumped to hyperspace. Whether it was some sort of recall command, something that interfered with their radio-based intra-hive transmissions or something that simply made them very scared, I don't know. All I know is he set it off and those that had the capability immediately evacuated."

I: "I think it speaks to the influence that Salvation has that he was able to initiate this level of smuggling. If every smuggler out there could just disguise their Battle Weapons or Narcotics as Basic Medicines I'm sure they would take that opportunity. Could he have help from people in high places?"

JM: "I'm generally not inclined to speculate on that subject or I'll have every crackpot conspiracy theorist in HIP 13644 knocking on the doors to my quarters at all hours of the night.
But? Yes, it's highly likely."

I: "Okay, that's understandable. Let's go to the other side of this event, looking from the perspective of the Thargoids. If, as you say, Salvation was able to influence the reportedly very angry Thargoid to simply go away... What could be the wider response? Could a Thargoid queen see this as an insult to her authority, perhaps?"

JM: "I don't know personally. It depends on the reasoning for their sudden abandonment, did Salvation activate a Guardian-based weapon or something that might attract the attention of the surviving AI constructs? Could the Thargoids have been trying to prevent us from interfering with Guardian technology in case we should accidentally get noticed for the wrong reasons? If they were, that would explain them suddenly leaving Cornsar once Salvation had done whatever he did.

"Response? Catastrophic. You poke a wasp's nest and they swarm to sting you. We just beat the hive with a gigantic stick. They now know we have access to extremely advanced technology or at the very least something which makes them turn tail and run. That makes them more deadly than ever.

"Thargoid queen? I can't comment on that."

I: "Sticking with the Thargoid angle and you touched on it there... The AIC's Ministry of Xenological Research confirmed that objects of Guardian origin were in Cornsar. You think the Thargoids came to prevent us using this technology?"

JM: "That could've potentially been their reasoning all along, we simply don't know. During this whole saga it has occurred to me that if Ram Tah is lying about Thargoid-Guardian interactions, which he most definitely is, then he's potentially also lying about the reasoning for the Thargoids' aggression towards Guardian technology as a whole. Perhaps it's not resentment or hate towards it, perhaps it's fear. And perhaps it's that very same fear that is driving them to ensure, by any means necessary, that we don't attract their attention."

If the Thargoids are truly afraid of something, then I am even more afraid of it than I am of anything else."

I: "And there is Ram Tah again. You mentioned him in a press conference some days ago. You said "There are those that claim Ram Tah is correct, that the Guardians attempted communication with the Thargoids and were rebuffed. The evidence suggests this is false..." What is the evidence you're referring to here?"

JM: "The fact that Thargoids are not inherently aggressive unless they are provoked, and archival records suggest that communication with them is indeed possible, however the details are scarce. The specific evidence I refer to is that Guardian Sentinels will shoot you on sight, Thargoids won't, unless you're interfering with something they're doing. Ram Tah also suggested that Thargoids would begin significant amounts of resource extraction to 'fuel their war machine', however this never happened. Surprisingly, GalNet was quick to cover that fact as well.

"I'll be candid with you, I think Ram Tah is a deceitful wretch, catering to either a superiority-complex or a deep lust for profits at the expense of whoever or whatever gets in his way. I'm stunned that no-one except myself and my associates have called for independent verification and investigation of the Guardian texts that he translated. He can claim they say whatever he wants or needs them to say to fulfil his agenda, and people still blindly listen. It's a shameful exhibition of complete and utter ineptitude, and I don't believe a word of it."

I: "I see. Though, does that exclude the possibility that Guardian Sentinels are analogous to Thargoid Scouts?"

JM: "It does. Thargoid Scout vessels - or Thargoid Invasion Ships, Thargoid Warships as they were historically referred to - are likely as much connected to the active hive structure as any other Thargoid-operated vessel would be. Guardian Sentinels are remnants of a bygone era, operating on what seems to be ancient programming to defend their assigned posts, and nothing else.

"I must make it clear, Thargoid Scout vessels are seemingly only deployed to areas which have attracted the Thargoids' attention for the wrong reasons, as opposed to Guardian Sentinels which are purely a simple defensive mechanism."

I: "That is an important distinction. If Salvation's weapon leads to being able to pacify the aggressive Scouts or even communication with the more seemingly intelligent Interceptors, would that not be worthwhile?"

JM: "I believe Salvation's weapon, whether it's Guardian-based or not, has the potential to bring even greater retribution and even further death and destruction upon us. Whatever he did has no evidence of being able to pacify Scouts or communicate with Interceptors."

I: "For an unrelated and far less existential matter, during the interview news broke that Hadrian Augustus Duval & his wife Lady Astrid are expecting a child in December. Do you have any words to share?"

JM: "I'd like to congratulate Hadrian Augustus and Lady Astrid on their pregnancy, and that I hope it all goes well for them."

I: "What a time to be raising a child. Finally, is there anything else you would like to say for the record?"

JM: "For the record? What we did in trying to stop Salvation was the right thing to do, I just wish we didn't have to take that level of action. I'll say the same thing to you that I said to those people telling me to move off the landing pad - I don't like being belligerent or disruptive to people I don't know, and I wish we didn't have to do this. But it's the only way to make people stop, listen and think."

I: "Thank you for your time, I'll let you get back to your work."

JM: "Thank you."
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