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Personal Log: The First of Seven

05 Jan 2018SeamasRuadh89
It has began! Ever since Uncle Malcolm told me that I had been selected by the Clan to join the Pilot's Federation I have had a dream, to visit all seven of the main stars in the body of the Orion constellation. Departing yesterday from Asellus Primus, where I had been assisting my brother hunt some bounties, I began my journey to Bellatrix. Now it was only a couple hundred lightyears away so I wasnt expecting a long trip but I prepared as if it was. Three weeks worth of rations, a couple of bottles of whiskey, and five pounds of fresh tobacco leaf were stocked on board my ship Heaven's Fury. I took the trip slow and easy, arriving at Bellatrix in about 10 hours. I must say that it was a sight to behold! It had to be the bluest star I have seen yet. I knew what i was going to do.  First I was going to scoop it because I was running low on fuel, then I just sat in my cockpit a short ways back, drank the whiskey, chewed the tobacco (not all of it) and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

 I'm headed back to the Bubble now, with all of the insanity, but I feel a sense of accomplishment for having reached the first of seven.
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︎3 Shiny!
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