Figured Id try this out...
31 Oct 2017Fracture425
Memory is a fragile thing, isnt it? The first thing I remember when I woke up a year ago was "my arse itches". After that, its all kind of a blur. Doc says Im fine but, Im not so sure. The headaches are getting worse, and my short term memory is shot. Ive managed to carve out a decent living since then though. An exercise in mediocrity, heh. I never did very well with people, thats why I need to take my "holidays" as Im wont to call them. Extended jaunts into the Great Black Infinite. Recovery from the injuries has been slow, so I havent been able to last more than a week or two out there but oh well, Ill get there. One day I may just never return, gods willing. A little about me, you know, for posterity or whatever. Commander Fracture, dont know where I came from, know even less about where Im going. Professional procrastinator and layabout, I do what I want when I please. I suppose technically Ive pledged my allegiance to the Empire, but hell, Im not sure if any of those idiots know whats best for all of us. Damned politicians. If they put as much effort into sorting out their differences and getting along as they do posturing and beating their chests.... Then there's the Thargoids. Why are we racing to see how fast we can blow them out of the black again? Ive run into a few of the lads out there and I gotta say, though they arent much for conversation, they seemed personable enough. Dont get too close, and dont rattle your guns in their direction and they go about their merry way, leaving my humble personage none the worse for the experience. I feel that we are headed for some dark times, lest we correct our errant ways. To hell with all of it. Keep your wits sharp and your war paint bright.