Cmdr Kodeyne
Fighter / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Big Bad Wolf
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette K-666F
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Escape Lane, part one

02 Jan 2021Kodeyne
The staff at the medical facility aboard Chernykh Ring had given Ophelia the all-clear to leave the ward, but advised her to stay aboard the station for a few days whilst she recuperated and until the final test results were in, for the likely long-term effects of the Charaka cells that had saved her life.
A modest hotel near the docking bay would be more than adequate for her needs; hardly luxurious by most people's standards but very agreeable indeed for anyone who normally slept on a starship.  The room had plain cream walls with subdued lighting. Faux-wooden chairs and table; and a generously-sized double bed. One wall was a screen that offered a variety of recorded views, sounds or mood colours.  The door clicked shut and Ophelia gratefully slid the old-fashioned bolt across as Alison sighed, dumped her bag on the floor and flopped into a chair. They had hardly seen each other since that precious, agonised moment in the hospital arboretum when they had admitted their feelings.  But now, finally, some time alone together.

Ophelia opened her own bag and took out a flask. She located two tumblers and filled them with deep red wine. Pinot Noir from Morana's Tellus Tertius vineyards. She passed a glass to Alison. They clinked the tumblers and drank. Ali tipped her head back and exhaled. "I am so bloody tired, girl! It just creeps up on you, doesn't it?"
Ophelia nodded. "Been a busy week. But yeah. Tired. And hurty."
Alison turned her head and regarded her with one eye. "Painkillers not cutting it?"
"Due some more soon. But you can never banish the pain entirely..." She rubbed the healing scars from the gunshot wounds she had received on Mars High that day. Set bones throbbed and bruised flesh ached.  Ali tossed back her wine.
"Mmmm. Nice. Please tell me you've got more of that?" Ophelia half-turned and winked.
"Do I have more wine? Does Zachary Hudson have testosterone poisoning?" 
Ali burst out laughing and held out her glass for a refill. Having obliged, Ophelia found the controls for the wallscreen.  "Surf rolling softly on a white sand beach?" she suggested.
"Sounds good to me," came the reply. The soothing hiss of breakers filled the room.
Ophelia spun a chair round and stood leaning on the back. She was tired but also buzzing, did not want to sit down just yet. After a while, Ali rose, set the glass down and came up behind her.  Slipped both arms round her and buried her face in the tousled blonde hair. They stood like that for a good five minutes. Ophelia sipped her wine and battled with the circling thoughts that cried you don't deserve this.
Ali nuzzled her.
"So, girl...what's next? For us?"
Ophelia winced at the question.
"Ahh, please, bit early for that? We're supposed to be recuperating!"
"Yeah, okay. But I just wanted to put it out there."
Ophelia sighed and drank wine. "Okay. Since you've brought it up, guess you've been thinking about it?" 
"Ooh, busted! But yes. I want to be with you, dear Ophelia, and I can't have that when you're floating in a tin can..."
"'Far above the world...'" Ophelia sang the words of the ancient song. Ali chuckled and moved her hands, caressing Ophelia's thighs.
She drained her glass and placed her hands on Ali's.
"I'm a pilot, girl. That's my life. And I want to be with you too, precious Alison. But what else can I do? Not much in the way of transferable skills."
Ali breathed on her neck, making her shiver. "Come work with me. The institute always needs people. People who've had a shitty time and can relate to others who have been through the same. Okay, the pay isn't what you're used to, but you've got a nice little nest egg stashed away, no?" 
Ophelia let out a theatrical gasp.
"Alison Keenan! So that's what this is all about! You gold-digging cow!"
That got her a prod in the abdomen. Ophelia twisted out of Alison's grasp and spun away. There followed a few frantic minutes of play-fighting which ended with them collapsed on the bed, giggling helplessly and holding hands.
Ali got her laughter under control. "It's a huge decision, girl, I know. That's why I wanted to broach it early, so we can think about it." Ophelia smiled and touched Ali's cheek.
"Aye. But there's another option, you know." Ali raised an eyebrow.  "You come with me. I get so lonely out there. There are so many things we can go and look at. Interspersed  with periods of insane tedium."
"Hah! You're not selling it very well, Commander!"
"Like you, just plonking it on the table for consideration."
Ali closed her eyes briefly. "Understood. Anyway. There is something I'd like to know, girl."
"Oh really? Pray tell?"
Ali's hands moved and ran her fingers over the fabric on the arms of Ophelia's shirt, brushing over the skin underneath.
"I know about the big scars. But what are all these others for? The ones in rows?"
Ophelia looked away. "One cut...for every person I...slept with..." She could not look her in the eye. Tried to roll away but Alison caught her arm.
"Oh no you don't."
Ophelia struggled in her grip.
"I'm so worthless! I'm just a slut!" 
Alison gently turned that downcast face back towards her.
"Those scars are all well healed. Guess it's been a while..."
"Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Girl, it's okay. Nothing to be sorry for.  I know you've had a rough time over the past year or two. Do I look like I'm bothered?"
Ophelia could only stare helplessly into her face, seeing the love and understanding there.
"Oh Ali..."
Alison looked at her solemnly.
"On the plus side, you must be quite the thing between the sheets by now, Ophelia Myshkin. Since we're an item now..." She paused, took a deep breath, "...maybe a demonstration is in order. If you're up to it, of course."
Ophelia wriggled closer to Alison, slipped arms around her neck and kissed her. "Well. Since we seem to be on the bed anyway..." 
"Ophelia, I'm scared."
"Don't be. It's not like I'm going to hurt you."
"I know. It's just...well..."
"That your upbringing tells you physical intimacy should only be between a man and a woman?"
"Something like that, yes."
"We don't have to do this if you don't really want to. I won't think any less of you, dearest one."
"But I want it so much. I still feel dirty, because of...him. I need this to cleanse me."
"I love you, Alison."
"I love you too. Oh God. Take me, Ophelia. Make the pain go away!"
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