Cmdr Kodeyne
Fighter / Adventurer
Registered ship name
Big Bad Wolf
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette K-666F
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Without Warning

20 Sep 2021Kodeyne
Life had settled into a comfy routine. Alison disembarked on a station, went to work, whilst Ophelia flew off and made more money in a day than many people would see in their lifetimes.

Late afternoon. Alison let out a long sigh as she tramped up the access ramp of Big Bad Wolf. Oh, she absolutely did not resent her new job, but, sometimes, dealing with people wore you down. She wondered if Ophelia had the right idea, being a partial recluse...

The thought of Ophelia perked her up as the airlock cycled and she entered the Corvette. Her smile and her quirkiness always made Alison feel better.
There was no-one in their opulent cabin. The first twinge of misgivings sent prickles down her neck.
“Oh 'Lia..." she called, "Oh 'Lia, my love, where are you? "
No reply. Her pace quickened and then she stopped. On the edge of hearing, someone crying.

Ophelia was sat at a table in the galley, sobbing copiously. Ali dumped her bag and dragged a chair up next to her, arms around shaking shoulders.
"Oh, girl, I'm here," she murmured, nuzzling a tear-streaked cheek.
"Ali," Ophelia gasped between sobs, "Ali..."
"What's up? Please talk to me!"
Ophelia did not answer immediately, but pawed at a datapad on the table. Slid it in front of Alison.
"Mikael," she moaned, "it's Mikael. "
Ali swallowed and picked the pad up, slowly read the message on the screen, a cold fear coming over her.

"Dear Ophelia.
I shouldn't call you dear. I'm not worthy to call you that. I'm not worthy to exist. I have done something awful, so dreadful that I should burn in hell. There is no excuse for it - except that I had no control over what happened. There's something in my head, and it's not me.
You have said that when the fighting fury comes over you - when the Destroying Angel shows up - you don't recall anything. I do. I had to watch everything that happened and I couldn't do a damn thing to stop it. I can feel it inside me. Waiting. It wants to come out again. I would, I should, kill myself, but it won't let me. I'm so scared, of what it might do next. It's letting me write this, but after that, I don't know.
I don't expect forgiveness, I don't deserve it. But I suspect you, of all people, have an inkling of what is happening inside my head, and might understand.
If I never see you again, please know that I am grateful for the time I spent with you. And that you and Alison will have a long and beautiful life together.
Goodbye, Cody.

Alison put the pad down and encircled Ophelia 's head. She felt tears on her own face. What in God's name had happened? What had he done? She had only met him the once; by all accounts, he was a decent, polite, caring man trying to put his past behind him.
And now, this. She shivered. Given her own experiences, she did not even want to contemplate what might have occurred.

That night, in bed, Ophelia couldn’t sleep. Her mind was in turmoil. She tossed and turned, trying not to disturb Alison. Eventually, she threw the covers back, wrapped herself in a dressing gown and went back to the galley, where she fetched a bottle of bourbon and a glass.
That was where Ali found her in the morning. Staring straight ahead, one hand curled around a tumbler that still had some whiskey in it.
“Ophelia,” Alison said gently, “please. That won’t help. Go get some kip, dearest. I know you aren’t thinking straight right now.”
The blonde girl stirred, tipped the dregs of her drink down her throat and stood up. Kissed Alison and then turned to head to the cabin. Let out a deep breath.
“I have to find him, Ali. He’s my friend. Come along if you want, but I have to find him.”
“’ can’t know what he might do. Not after what he wrote in that message!”
“I don’t think he could hurt me if he tried. But he needs help.” She paused, eyes downcast. “Or he needs to be stopped...”
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