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Ragged Rex's War Writings 1

05 Oct 2020ShadowAura
Its day four of the war here in Eurybia and its clear that the war has gone poorly for us. In fact it was obvious from the onstart.

Damn Imperials can't offer a decent prize on the war other than offering to control access to the engineer. That's like offering some poor starving kid that you would give him a damn bowl he could put his food in. Compared to that, the mafia is offering fully engineered missile racks. I don't use missiles much myself but its better than absolutely nothing. Honestly, what were the Emperor and senators thinking? Also why are they offering me so little money after shooting out ships. I've blown up enemy Anacondas, only to receive a meager 55k credits and I hear of the enemy earning 100k or more after blowing up a Cutter. Granted the Cutter is a tougher ship to take down in general but still, is the Empire running out of money or something? How are mere criminals who extort people in one system offering more per ship compared to a galactic Empire?

That's not all the beef I have with the Empire, I do wish that the Empire put much more effort into ship design for the Majestic Class Interdictors. The damn thing is a flipping glass cannon. Actually since the damage output is so bad, its just glass. The heat relays are all positioned effectively so that they can get flipping  shot at. Seriously, stop sending these things in the warzone. They look amazing but its useless in an actual battle. Just use the money and send a wing of Cutters or something.

Anyway, the war's not going to fight itself. Despite knowing we are going to lose, I've continued to offer my services to the Imperial Navy, mainly because I have no love for the mafia and also as part of my duty to the Empire.

There better be a massive paycheck at the end of this.
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