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Ragged Rex's Travel Tales 1

11 Jan 2021ShadowAura
Damn the request to deliver pods tissue to Colonia. Why did it have to be Colonia of all places.
Due to my relative poverty compared to the rest of the wealthy pilots out there, I can't afford my own fleet carrier so this will have to be another long flight.
I fully expected another boring trip in deep space but when I jumped into this system, Preia Phoe GG-Q b37-23, something was off. The sensors detected the presence of six stellar bodies along with more planetary bodies. I instantly spat out my tea in surprise.
After wiping down my control panel and rebooting the scanners, it was confirmed that this system was indeed, if you would pardon the pun, a stellar find with six stars. In addition, there was a gas giant orbiting five of the six stars.
This has got to be really unstable though, any bit of change to the balance would probably fling the gas giant into deep space or into a star.
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︎1 Shiny!
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