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Ragged Rex's War Writings 2

14 Feb 2021ShadowAura
A few days ago, I received two very interesting messages from two very interesting organisations.

The first was from the Federal Navy.

"Hello CMDR ShadowAura,

I hope this letter finds you well. As you might very well know, one of the perpetrators in the assassination of President Jasmina Hasley, Jupiter Rochester, has escaped to HIP 54530. We have entered the system in pursuit but it seems he has prepared a very special "welcome" for our brave pilots. As such, I would very much appreciate it if you assisted the Federal Navy in the capture of the the traitor.
I'm sure you have not forgotten the preferential treatment you received when attempting to purchase your Federal Corvette and the people that made it possible despite your Imperial allegiances. The Federation would appreciate it if you moved your Corvette into HIP 54530 and take down as many of Jupiter's assets as possible.
Of course, you will be handsomely awarded for your war efforts and we will provide you a permanent permit for the HIP 54530 system once this war is over.

Yours truly

Rear Admiral Jones Price
Federal Navy Auxiliary Management"

The second was from Jupiter Division.

"Dear Mr Faereal-Loren,

We at Jupiter Division believe that a strong economy is necessary for the benefit of the populace. However, it seems that the Congressmen and the executives at the Federation fail to see that. They decided that we have become too powerful and seek to cut us down by any means necessary and have sent in war vessels to bring us in by force. While our local security force is currently dealing with them, I fear that we may not be able to hold them back for long.
As such, I have decided to collect on a favour you incurred when purchasing your Core Dynamics Corvette. I'm sure that you know that Supreme Executive Rochester was instrumental in facilitating the process. Therefore, please assist our efforts in the HIP 54530 to resist this illegal seizure of corporate assets.
You will be graciously compensated for any damages received and ammunition used against the enemy ships and you will be welcomed in the HIP 54530 following our victory.
I hope we can count on your continued patronage.


Jason Rhodes
Head of Security, Jupiter Division"

As a wise man once said, "I hate in-games and in-jokes, but I do like in-fighting, because I'm not 'in'." Unfortunately, this time, it looks like I don't have a choice. I just hope they pay better than the Empire did at Euribya.
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