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Another day... or is it? My frickin head..... minion!... ghost... ugh

09 Jan 2020Angryjesterguy
Minion woke me this morning... was it morning? i dont know... enough time had passed that the booze had had time to affect my head. But i had done it, i tracked down the crash site and got myself a booyah selfie and who isnt gonna party a bit right!... until i went to relieve myself in the passenger bay water fountain, dont judge me! the head is right at the back of the damn ship, anyway that's when I was rudely interupted.. okay, so i forgot how this whole thing came about...

So i'm having a glass of cold forget-me juice and I've just knocked the froth off of the third one when this guy comes up and says "dude, I've just had a bet with that blonde piece over there and she reckons that if I find myself a pilot and manage to get to the crashed Thargoid ship in the Pleiades sector before she does she'll make my galaxy turn upside down!, whatta ya say to that my buddy, pal?". I say "She's smoking hot, you smell of dried up thargoid puke and shes clearly making the same bet with that guy in the red skirt... shes trying to fleece you and I want nothing to do with it", at which point he breaks out a holocard with six figures on it.

We blasted off from the Indra at full throttle and I could see the guy in the tower shaking his head but other than that nothing was said.. not as petty as some places i usually fly from, like D'arrest for instance - Karl!!!!... but anyway, onwards... I made it to the research station a few klicks out from the site and we landed a short way out in the right direction when the mark... i mean the passenger comes up and shows me his hand. Written on it in what looks like lipstick is the coordinates for the crash site... I had to ask of course "did she give you the location?" to which he replied "yeah, i think she WANTS me to beat her"... you dont say.

We set out in the SRV and spent about an hour honing in on the crash site, it was beautifully intact to say it had crashed there some time ago! I was so excited cause to be fair i spent most of my life trying to get a glimpse up Aisling Duvals dress and the rest out in the black avoiding people so I wasnt even sure if thargoids were a myth. After we looked around it for a bit my new friend decided that he best retire to the ship and await the blonde beauties arrival and he would pay me considerably more if I wouldnt mind calling the ship over here and making camp, so to speak, for the next day or so. Thats was fine for me and I broke out that crate of Assindan Brandy that I found left over from the Prom party I hired Ghost out to a few weeks back and I partied hard, we both did... or at least we must have!

We must have because as I stood draining the preverbial lizard into the water recepticle I was more than a little bit surprised to find that not only did I have a passenger in the first place.. that must have slipped my mind, but at some point through the events he had been joined by the blonde haired woman who now stood in front of me... naked... very naked... with me looking immensley confused, mildly conscious and urinating on the floor in front of her feet. She just smiled and walked away without saying a word.. she was still naked when she went down the airlift to my SRV and drove off into the wasteland. I was so confused i nearly forgot to zip up my "do it for Jameson" onesie.

In fairness, if it hadnt been for the note with "compensation my love" and the 3.5 million holocard that I found in her clothes I would have been royally angry but as it turns out, i made some good credits, got to see a thargoid interceptor up close and got to see a smoking hot chick fully naked AND smiling at me so its not all bad. Now... what to do with the idiots corpse that she left in my passenger cabin?
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