Logbook entry

Good Intentions

11 Jan 2020Angryjesterguy
Captains log... I've always wanted to say that!... So... erm... what happened onboard Ghost yesterday left me feeling less than good about myself. At first I thought it was the Brandy. Then I figured it was the smoking hot chick from the crash site that haunted my dreams but I guess I had to face it.. leaving that dumb schmucks corpse sitting next to the crashed thargoid intercepter was not my finest moment as a human. I mean, I left him sitting there with his hand up to the skies and a finger extended to the bitch who lured him here so I figured at least i gave him something in the end but still... Maybe, i should have buried him in space or fired him into a planet with no life or something.

I had heard on Galnet that there had been a lot of Xeno activity in the area and a few stations had been severly damaged so I headed out there to see if i could help the poor souls trapped... might ease my conscience a little... pay isnt too bad either. Dont judge me, I can save my soul and make some credits!

I arrived straight out of "ludicrous speed" close enough that I could already hear the sound of the distress call urging people to help but when we arrived people werent helping, there were no other ships anywhere near.... just Myself and Minion sat in Ghost looking out of the window at the burning hunk of metal that used to be a vibrant trading post... most people had decided that helping these guys in a xeno infested system was too much to take on.

"I tried but it looks like I'm too late my old pal".

Minion gave a disaproving moan from where he lay across the copilots seat, why did a holographic wolf need to sleep so much anyway? I mean, who writes that into his programming and thinks "yeah, that'll fool em into thinking he's a real wolf"?, do wolves even sleep a lot?... i dont think they do.

"Okay buddy, I guess your right" I said to more noises of disaproval.

Turning Ghost towards the burning entrance I signalled for landing clearance and  I pushed hard on the throttle and dove in without waiting for the authorisation - not like they would say no is it?! The heat gain in the docking bay was intense and systems started to shut down almost immediately with sparks launching from the control panel and a very noticable crack started to grow down the canopy like a creeping death vine. I shot down the hanger at full speed dodging the falling beams and huge metal panels and crashed Ghost onto the landing pad and the controller immediately brought me down below out of the heat. I was right, i was too late... the bar was already closed. Instead I made my way to the main trading hall and found them huddled together. The passenger lounge head of operations was there already and he offered me 200,000 to take them all. He was old and his clothes were the usual casual but smart kind of style that they all wore in the federation controlled zones. I told him that I could only fit 12 in my cabins... and it smells of sex and blood... and for some reason urine, near the water dispenser.

We loaded up and blasted off, more damage to Ghost. One of the passengers threw up.. more smells in the cabin but despite this we made it out and headed for the nearby rescue ship which was in a holding pattern 500 klicks out of the blast area in case the station should give out. They greeted me like a hero when I strolled into the bar, free drinks were even offered. Then a guy strolls right up and punches me in the nose!

"You left my brother behind because you couldnt carry 13?!!!" he cried as I stood back up, inspecting the blood stain on my flight jacket... it was new, only had it a week.

"Of course not!" I yelled... "I left him cause he was a federation asshole!"

I dont know what happened after the fight had finished, truth be told I only know there was a fight because of the bruises, aches, pains and the large bar tab... the kind of bar tab you only rack up if you broke lots of stuff.

I decided that I should leave as soon as I had been repaired, refuelled and picked up the reward and Minion, for once, seemed to agree totally.

The moral of this story, of course, is dont help anyone because theres always someone out to spoil your free bar.
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︎3 Shiny!
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