Logbook entry

21 Apr 2022Angryjesterguy
It had been nearly two years since I lost Ghost, and nearly two years since I’d had a decent in flight coffee… I miss that coffee machine.

My new ship, “The Apparition” is a newer, faster, lighter, more agile version of the same ship as Ghost, A rather sleek black Imperial Clipper, but whoever made the decision to install a Gutamayan own branded coffee machine into the bulk head instead of that choice Lavian Barista machine in the older models needed a good beating… this stuff is like the left over residue from a Cubeo cess pit… I bet it was some cucumber juice drinking nerd from accounts, desperately trying to shave a few credits off the build cost…. Didn’t stop them installing two captains chairs in here… there’s only ever me in here drinking crap coffee but at least I get the choice of two comfy chairs to sit in!…. anyway, what should I have been logging….

Oh right, yeah….

I’m heading over to Lave, I heard the Defence Party are planning to make some real power moves out there and need some help gathering data from the nearby planets. As there’s not much distance between the systems out there I figure I can make a killing. Minion (my lazy ass HoloDog) doesn’t seem too impressed, he seems to get a little woozy when ever we leave imperial space but he’ll have to lump it for now. Only a few jumps and we’ll be there, who knows what awaits…. I might have to get his Holo Hard Drive checked too while I’m there, he seems to be able to walk through walls which is… disconcerting.

Also, I heard a great story about Commander Persera who headed out past beagle point further than anyone had ever been then ran out of fuel, got saved by the fuel rats but then went even further. Apparently they jettisoned a Hutton Orbital cup out there as a marker of their achievement… I have a good mind to head out there and steal the mug… I lost mine when Minion stuck his head through the wall while I was on the can… I lost my fave mug and spilt my coffee in the process… couldn’t get it up off the floor no matter what I did, luckily I needed something to kill the rat that has taken to living in my beautiful ship and I reckon the damn coffee will definitely do the job.
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︎0 Shiny!
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