Logbook entry

Fuel Rat Reports Encounter With Unknown Thargoid Type

29 Nov 2017Calteru
(GALNET) A commander affiliated with the Fuel Rats reported today of a strange encounter well within populated space with a possibly new type of Thargoid.

Commander Bobaaganoosh posted to a popular pilots' social media sight a detailed log entry of the encounter, complete with video clips from his ship's camera system. The pilot stated the encounter happened en route to Commander Jameson's recently-discovered crashed ship.

"They followed me everywhere I went," the commander reported. "If you go full screen on the video, you can see their "jet trails" behind them, showing they're in motion, following me. "I'm full thrust forward, and they're consistently keeping speed with me, right in front of me, never losing pace. As I started up my FSD one of the ships began making a strange sound. Like it was getting ready for something."

Bobaaganoosh advocated for a peaceful approach toward this possible new variant, claiming the creatures/vessels never took overt hostile action toward him at any time during the encounter. "I jumped into the next system and never saw them again," he stated. "I currently have a post on the front page insisting we be peaceful with these beings. And I'm all for it. Notice they didn't harm me in any way, but I DO feel like these were the Thargoids that are dangerous, or more dangerous than the others? Or I could be wrong. It could be normal Thargoids and they were just checking out my ship. Inspecting. But, I didn't harm them, [and] they didn't harm me."

Neither AEGIS nor INRA officials had responded to a request for comment as of press time.
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