Logbook entry

A new sunrise

24 Mar 2018Kowgan
21 mar 3304
Tshang City - Furuhjelm-III 674

I've returned home after a long time. It's been, what, 4 months since I moved to Fuelum? Maybe more. When I got back here, I hoped to pick up things where I once left them, but to my unpleasant surprise, Furuhjelm isn't the same anymore. A new faction has installed their settlements in, and with that, they have started a bunch of conflicts around. There's a tension atmosphere everywhere I go, and I can't even find a friendly smile on anyone's faces anymore. I wish I could see this system again how it once was.

My family's business hasn't been going too well either. Luckly, my pilot freelancing has been able to cover the costs. In any case, I hate to say it... Moving all my belongings here wasn't cheap, but it looks like I'll have to move it all again. I guess I'm leaving Furuhjelm behind, and just moving forward... And once I find a place, I still have to convince my family to come along.


22 mar 3304
Ahern Enterprise - Tellus

I decided that the best place to find a new home would be at Edmund Mahon's territory. I pledged allegiance to the Alliance anyway, so being amongst allieds would probably be the most pacific and comfortable place to live on. Plus, it's finally time to start working for Mahon, for real.

Now that I can choose, finding the perfect spot to call home isn't being an easy task. I am looking for either an Orbis or Ocellus station with a tranquil economy and a cozy neighborhood. I'm looking for somewhere preferrably near the Gateway and Olker systems. Jimbo has been working in Olker, so I'd like to stay close if possible.

Finding the perfect home is NOT being an easy task. There doesn't seem to be any station that meets my requirements, and are close enough to the main star. Maybe I'm being too picky, and I might have to open my mind a little bit if I want to be able to do this.


Wilder Enterprise - Chond

Did I mention this wasn't an easy task? I visited 17 potentially good systems, but there was always something preventing them to be the chosen one. Gosh! Gateway, Xevioso, Acan, Namaka, Nevermore, Utar, LTT 13904, Holiacan, Awawar, Tellus, Olker, Djuhti, Tsu, Alioth, Domoirene, Kuntae, and Graill Redd.

But it looks 18th time's a charm. Chond is a pacific system that has two awesome planets orbiting each other - A water world and an Earth-alike one; each one with their own station, which is awesome. What a great view! And they're really close to the star as well. It looks like I've finally found my new home! Now, to move everything here, get familiarized with the place and hopefully convince my family to come over.


23 mar 3304
Wilder Enterprise - Chond

I still haven't convinced my family, but maybe they'll give it a chance. I'll keep trying.

Today was an interesting day to know my surroundings better. I got a friendly (discreet) neighborhood, and some cozy, narrow streets outside the apartment building. Some bars around, a couple of traders and even a neat tech shop on the block. I'm liking it here.

All my stuff arrived safely to the station, that's good news. So I went off to officially start my work for Mahon. I signed 2 or 3 pirate hunt contracts and started to build my reputation up. Later on, I've started fortifying the controlling neighbor system by taking some legislative records to Gateway. It was a nice and safe trip.

Finally, after talking to some CMDRs, I went to Phra Mool, an anarchy system controlled by the Feds, for some pumpin' Fed hunt! Good stuff to bring up my merits with Mahon. Although, it looks like my presence was noticed there. On the way back home, I got interdicted by Feds a couple of times. They're saying I've been causing quite some damage. So that's what happens when you poke the bear. I hope this doesn't come to be a constant issue... I'll lay low for a while; hopefully they'll disperse and forget about me.

Anyway, I really should put that new camera to a good use...
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