Logbook entry

Power Failure and Pirate Combats

26 Mar 2018Kowgan
24 mar 3304
Wilder Enterprise - Chond

I spent the whole day increasing my reputation with all three Alliance factions in system. I signed a bunch of data delivery contracts - and got even a few more during the trips -, one pirate hunt mission and one supply mission.

The data deliveries were going okay, but suddenly, when I was arriving at Tshang City, on 19 Leonis Minoris, my ship presented a critical failure on its power supply systems, and I had to emergency dock. The local engineers were kind enough to fix my power plant for a reasonable price, but the service took some time. Long enough that I missed my window to hunt the pirate I was assigned to. That was unfortunate, and there was I, stranded at Tshang City "again".

Two things to note: What a funny coincidence to spot another Tshang City station just nextdoor. And I wonder what caused that power failure... I've been executing maintenance regularly upon every station hop, and I didn't run into anything abnormal during the last hop. I wonder if someone did something wrong on the last maintance before the incident.

Five hours later, the Power Plant was as good as new, and my ship was ready to rock'n'roll once again. 30 minutes later, I had finished my data delivery missions and was back home, getting ready to fly off again - This time, on my Type-9, going to fulfill the supply contract for 655t worth of Personal Weapons. That would be an easy task, had I not been sent to the wrong systems three times before finding the commodities I was looking for. The Shop advertisings I found were a bit old, so that explains why I found nothing at those three first markets I visited.

Thankfully, the fourth visited market had plenty of Personal Weapons in stock, so I was able to finally come back home. The trip back was safe and without any surprises. In fact, I found out earlier that I had a Federation Power bounty on my ship. Probably due to the Fed hunt I had a few days ago. I paid it off, and just like that, the feds vanished from my tail. Anyway; upon deliverying the cargo, I offered a discount on my payment, which made my contractor really happy. That's a good way to increase my reputation with the Chond Pro-Alliance League faction.


25 mar 3304
BD+41 2026

I ran more Data deliveries for the Alliance, from Chond again. No surprises or interdictions. I'm glad I paid that Power bounty off. I also accepted a contract from the Liberals of Jarowair to search and destroy 8 pirates from the BD+41 2026 Gang faction. During the two hours of search, I found five of them. The first two kills were detected by the contractor, and he counted them. But the next three kills weren't being accounted for; I can't tell why, and my contractor wouldn't explain it to me either. Apparently, he "couldn't detect any target elimination". My ass. So I forfeited the contract.

Later on, I signed a handful of contracts to search and rescue black boxes on nearby systems. That should be much smoother, right? Wrong. Looks like these black boxes are illegal cargo, and some notorious ones, too. I've been alerted by Envoy Lancaster that pirates are being sent on my way to kill on sight. And damn, were they right! As I was orbiting around one of the target planets, I found the signal source of one of the black boxes, but as I dropped in, the damn pirates were there, waiting for me on an ambush! Damn it!

I panicked. My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly managed to turn around and boost out of there! Why isn't the damn FSD working?! Charge up, you fool! C'mon! They're hitting me heavily, and my shields are toast!
Argh! That was it! My Cargo Hatch was deployed!

Phew, I'm outta there. I have to keep a sharp eye. I'm way too nervous right now...


Wilder Enterprise - Chond

It was too late to back up, now. I got the remaining black boxes as quick as I could and zarped out of the region immediatelly. Thankfully, there were no more incidents.  In the end, I think those contracts were worth it. I managed to give a good influence boost to the Liberals of Jarowair.

After that, I decided to pick up a few extra Data deliveries for the Sons Blue. I needed to relax, and these are such chill jobs. I visited the systems Jaroair, Sons and Ga Gaun. Beautiful places. The Sons' system got a High Tech station; all blue on the inside. Really pretty stuff. I wouldn't mind living there at all.

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︎3 Shiny!
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