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I've had a look at The Oracle in flames,and thughts around it all.

15 Dec 2017SirGambler
First of All dont dock without beeing prepared for heat damage,since i rushed to it with my asp without any Thermal protection atall

Exept from all emergency stuff u can expect,flames,sirens and heat,Its quite a view in a way.

Looking for escape pods,i passed the end part,which seems too be the generator.It gave quite some signatures,i take them for beeing electro-magnetic,but in a brief image i wondered if the Thargoids left moore green stuff there than other places,even i did not see any.

Well done on my recon,it comes clear black boxes and escape pods are to be found in signal sorces around the ship,which means ill have too fight Thargs alone for a few escape pods,and 80k cr...i abandoned the mission imediately,rebuy at the time was 26mill cr

AnyWays,i still wonder if a certain company,have keept us in the dark,and are the reason for all this,because the Thargoids often acts like they search for something that is stolen from them.Exept from the escape pods,they goo for anything that may contain similarities in signal,smell,or how their senses work is also a issue,did developer go beyond human senses understanding,we identify all based on own senses coordination in the brain,which can as we all know well be diffrent.

Thargoids may have feelings,they are not robots,on a algorithm,or are they?Maybe its Jamesons famely they seek,hehe

A Dirty company with millitary ambitions,feels moore of the kind,judging by developers are humans too,and using humaan history common stuff,like theres always one of Those.Theres allways somebody seeking superiority on huge costs.Like with a calculator it 99%chanse of human understading that makes it show wrong figures.We are as humans stupidly enough too react with agression,so hope its not the wrong suffering part here,because of loud voises from above,proactive instinct on some or the Fun of kiling someone/thing.It will onely state facts on urban human behavior.Times and development have changed,humans bearly not.Whether we fight over a nice rock or the newst pice of tecnology,it is the monkey way.

If we are all gona decide to fight Thargids,even if its a fair story or not,just on survival level,the game must motivate for even higher connecting people state.Huge battle stuff can come of that like 100 cmds,lasers eveywhere,great vid and screencaps,and so on.

Judge Thargoids in a animalway,we all know if you act acceptable enough,you can make your way too a lions head,and pet it
Its all about under standing and adjust too indiffrences,a suppressed animal act our way aslong as its caged

Is there individual intellect?,could we have a future cooperate?,or will it be too demanding?.Agression acts and patterns seems remote guided or robotish,like they all act exactly same when it feels safe and when its not.

Main thing for both,and among our self is communicaltion,atleast for humans,a high % fails is done on miscomunication or non atall

Lots of adventures could be out there,like if thers a Queen,like in the Alien movies,do we get to see such places peacefully?

I might think too highly of developers narrator imagination and game limits,but image if they could force just 10% of All Superior Cmdrs and fairly new Cmdrs to drop all their stuffs on too a open play coperation,and it could bring out the best of us on a common goal or logistics and preforming a huge space battle.i belive most of us would find our own confortable place in such event,like in real life we would find all kinds of human qualities but mostly economy based on ability for rebuy,hard nail to hit when some ship rebuys passes 50mill cr with the right armor. But what else is there to use these ships on,a flashy driveby?

Maybe other galaxies and ways of travelig couuld present its self in game by intel cooperation Whith the Thargoids

Over and out
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