Logbook entry

My first devoted commuity goal,Wangal,and Lori J

29 Jan 2018SirGambler
I was in a drag last week,i wanted the last engineer too be availeble,just to end that chapter...For me it has onely been 1 left for atleast 2-3 months now.I started early on those,5000ly out i belive was my first.I belive i ended 17k ly out and Elite Explorer whith in 2,5 week play time.It was a fasinating 1st impression that kept me going,i belive i traded in my whole explorer rank too Elite at one go,it was a big chunk of explorerdata,a moment i had conserns of loosing data on a game crash,it turned out fine,yeeee

So,what to doo,Lori required Dangerous,that combat-rank  has so far been like watching paint dry on a rainy day,i've been stagnated around 50% Master forever it feels like

I did a impulsive move too join last weeks CG,12 hrs left,It brought me too the border of top 25,and was quite rewarding in cash and combat upps,so i joined the second CG,last minute,and on top 50 there aswell,and of both of them i had 9% combat up,to 59%,20 mill rewards+ships bounties ,which was progress for me at the time(this was at Nau Tauri and Guuguyni)

This weeks engagement in ongoing CG at Wangal,is boosted of that progress i had on the 2,and Omg,i found a couple of spotts and whent intoo grinding modus,and it has soon brought me 100% up on combat rank,(On 3 days aprox)it was i admitt fun watching ranking flying through the roof like that,im Done on kongge ale,and i belive Lori and i got drunk on the spare Ale leftovers,cant say much of the outcome,i dont remember,hehe

A side evaluation,Wangal has given new  things to concider as for just join CG and start shooting.Lots in ways of what materials do CG planets contain(Ammo refill),handy to know if i join another CG,and i have noted small stuff like who is top 10 Cmdrs?Is there a week end top 10 Cmdr board,do Some stribe too be there?(im not far behind,if i go on)
I also now can say moore on Ship combat behaviour,and stuff i might change,which i was content with 14 days agoo,and 1 Corvette kinda does it in Open play,when it comes too fresh food for my guns(Npc respawning),chasing Eagles was not giving or fun after i got my rank up.

Im not shure if i keep that tempo furter,im content of my outcome allready,And top 10% i belive i can mantain without further activity....and like they say if your going too the gym first time,train too hard and it wont be a second time around

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