Logbook entry

Varius Kilz- Genesis Vol I

23 Nov 2019Varius Kilz
"Come Little One. It seems we have to make our own way somehow and we must leave this place immediately." the old woman said as she clutched the child's hand with the grip of a python and pulled him along at a hurried pace down the corridor towards the loading docks.. The look in the child's eyes asked the question without words. As if sensing the need for an explanation, the old woman stopped momentarily and crouched down putting a hand on each of the child's shoulders looking into his eyes sympathetically. "Listen child, I am going to give it to you straight." The corridor became ice cold and a low level whir could now be heard as the ambient temperature stabilizers of Castellan Station cycled on. "The likelihood.." she continued, "of you ever seeing your parents alive again are slim to none. Do you know what that means?" The child's eyes widened, perhaps in disbelief. A single trickle of a tear zipped down his left eye as the realization of what he was told began to sink in. "I do not have the time to explain the whys and the hows. Just know that your mother and father entrusted me with your care were such an unfortunate event ever to take place." She stood up and looked down on him with a raised eyebrow. "Do you trust me?" she asked. She already knew the answer to that question. Whenever his mother and father's mining excursions would overlap each other, Sinclair was the only one there. Feeding him, playing with him and forcing him to study his lessons, especially his history.. and particularly the stratagems of great generals of the Federation and the expansion of humanity out of their perceived birthplace in Sol and into the stars. He nodded once. Talking wasn't his thing. Minimal time wasted in making unnecessary sounds or gestures conserved energy. Energy conservation helps you survive longer. He developed this technique during periods of great hunger when resources and food were scarce. Now it would seem that he may have to put these survival skills to use. They continued through the corridor until they reached the loading dock for Landing Pad 3. Sinclair rapped on the access hatch three times in quick succession followed by a pause and two slow knocks afterwards. A burly man with dingy coveralls with a face a few days unshaven opened the hatch slowly. Sinclair looked directly into the man's eyes. "Two for passage, Passcode Alpha-Kilo-Whiskey-Zero-Four-Delta-November-November-Zero-Five-Hotel." she said. "Follow me." said the man. He led the two through a maze of spare passenger and cargo rack modules towards a group of escape pods. "You and the crotch goblin get into these. You'll be loaded onboard and taken to a secure destination. There, you will secure new names and identification. What you do from there is up to you." She hesitantly helped the boy into his escape pod and said, " Since I am an unaware how long this trip will be I'll let you in on a secret." He was on the hook for the information and looked up with intense curiousity. "You've many times asked me what my first name was.." She smiled and continued, "It's Etheline dear boy.. Etheline Sinclair. Always remember it was me who saved your hide." She chuckled, kissed his forehead and holding back tears, secured his escape pod. She turned to the burly man and said.. "Thank you for pretending we had passage for two. He would not have gone without me." She knew that the inquisition board of Dr. Walden would be coming to question her, and if they weren't satisfied with her answers that she would be exterminated. At a minimum, she could buy him the time to survive. The young man drifted off into a deep sleep, unaware that his true adventures were yet to come.
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