Cmdr Scion Drakhar
Aisling guardian / Special agent
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance AWC
Overall assets
Aisling Wing Command
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


06 Apr 2020Scion Drakhar
Well crap. The last several months have been something of a mixed bag. Technical issues in my neural interface, problems with my pilot's license and... err... assorted demands on my attention have all conspired to keep me grounded more often than not. It's been an exercise in learning... and practicing... patience.

Meanwhile my squadron, Princess Aisling's Angels, have demonstrated that we are not only capable of safeguarding a vast swath of the bubble by supporting our faction but also a Powerplay POWERHOUSE. I got to participate for only several weeks while my mates snatched gold away from the Feds with one of the most impressive hauling, undermining and oppositional campaigns that I've ever witnessed. Including a 700k merit bomb within the last few hours of the season.

o7 mates. From the bottom of my heart: I love ya.

For the time being, though: I wait.
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