Logbook entry

Exobiology diary: I share my road to Elite

14 Apr 2023MrParsifal
I had always dreamed of being an exobiologist, ever since I saw the first images of alien life forms on the GalNet. I wanted to see them for myself, to touch them, to sample them, to understand them. I wanted to explore the galaxy and discover new wonders.

That's why I saved up for years to buy a Carrier, then to fit my exploring ship: the SanGiorgio, an Asp Explorer, and the Chortaj a Diamondback Explorer that could take me anywhere I wanted. I outfitted them with the best equipment I could afford and I was ready to embark on my adventure.

I checked the Codex for some promising systems that had reports of biological signals. I chose some that was relatively close to the Bubble, but still unexplored by most commanders. It was in -170 -25 -80 area and it had a lot of planets with a thin atmosphere and biological signals. I plotted my course and engaged my Frame Shift Drive.

After a few jumps, I arrived at my destination. I scanned the systems and confirmed the presence of the planets I was looking for: 
  • Col 285 Sector ZD-N a50-3 A 7
    1. Bacterium bullaris:

      1. 50.3472° -83.4392°;
      2. 49.8851° -83.9297°
      3. 49.7033° -84.2150°
  • Col 285 Sector NE-G c11-15 B 2
    1. Bacterium

      1. 26.9934 98.7167
      2. 26.9838 98.7143
      3. 26.9749 9.7018
  • Col 285 Sector NE-G c11-15 B 5
    1. Bacterium

      1. -8.1663 27.5051
      2. -8.1706 27.5188
      3. -8.1782 27.5301q
  • Col 285 Sector SW-P b20-6 A 5
    1. Stratum

      1. -22.8165 150.4771
      2. -22.8175 150.4660
      3. -22.8311 150.4532
  • Col 285 Sector SW-P b20-6 BCD 2
    1. Fonticulua

      1. -27.9488 -166.2479
      2. -27.9564 -166.2522
      3. -27.9573 -166.2645
    2. Bacterium

      1. -27.9646 -166.2757

      2. -27.9646 -166.2757
      3. -27.9878 -166.2860
      4. -28.0202 -166.2711
  • Songala D 1
    1. Bacterium

      1. -49.9212 -124.9438
      2. -49.9279 -124.9675
      3. - 49.9105 -124.9169
    2. Stratum

      1. -49.9338 -124.9755
      2. -49.9302 -124.9549
      3. -49.9163 -124.9428
  • Songala D 6
    1. Bacterium

      1. -280687 -171.3884
      2. -28.0603 .-171.3832
      3. -28.0369 -171.3900
    2. Fonticolua

      1. -28.1031 -171.3941
  • Col 359 Sector DF-Z d27 A 2 a; 
    1. Bacterium

      1. 13.4342° -3.3694°
      2. 13.4481° -3.3662°
      3. 13.4672° -3.3690°
    2. Stratum

      1. 13.4714° -3.3870°
      2. 13.4604° -3.3826°
      3. 13.4331° -3.3737°

    1. Bacterium

      1. -3.1524 54.1074
      2. -3.2931 54.0933
      3. -3.2474 54.0246
    2. Concha

      1. -1.9560 52.9301
    3. Cactoida vermis

      1. -2.9484° 53.9950
      2. -2.9590° 54.0373
    4. Clypeus

      1. -2.9540° 54.0344°
      2. -2.9448° 54.0651
      3. -2.9693° 54.0861°
    5. Frutexa

      1. -1.9495 52.8935
      2. -1.9801 53.0171
      3. -1.9870 53.0371
    6. Fungoida

      1. -1.8110 52.8152 
      2. -1.8545 52.8139
      3. -1.9615 528934
    7. Stratum

      1. -3.0059° 54.1483°
      2. -3.0319° 54.0548°
      3. -2.9922° 53.9820°
    8. Osseus

      1. -1.9870 53.0371
      2. -1.9685 52.9733
    9. Tussok

      1. -2.9654 54.0877
      2. -2.9413 54.1044
      3. -2.9583 54.1275

I approached the planets and launched the probes from my Detailed Surface Scanner. The probes revealed the locations of the biological signals on the surface (i reported them in the upper list).

As I got closer to the ground, I saw something that made my heart race. There were strange shapes sticking out of the snow, like giant mushrooms or coral reefs. They were purple and green, and they glowed faintly in the dark. They were beautiful. They were alien. They were what I came for.

I landed my ship near one of the biological signals and deployed my Surface Recon Vehicle. I drove towards the nearest alien life form, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity. I exited my vehicle and put on my Artemis Suit and Genetic Sampler. I activated my Analysis Mode and scanned the life form.

It was called Bacterium bullaris, according to my suit's database. It was a colony of bacteria that formed large spherical structures with spiky protrusions. It was classified as an extremophile, meaning it could survive in harsh environments. It was also bioluminescent, meaning it could produce light.

I aimed my Genetic Sampler at one of the spheres and fired. A dart flew out and pierced the surface, extracting a sample of genetic material. The sphere twitched slightly, but did not seem harmed. I collected the dart and stored it in my suit's inventory. I had just taken my first sample of alien life.

I felt a surge of joy and satisfaction. I had done it. I had fulfilled my dream. But this was only the beginning. There were more life forms to find, more samples to collect, more secrets to uncover. I looked at the horizon and saw more glowing shapes in the distance. I smiled and got back into my vehicle.

I was an exobiologist, my actual rank is geneticist and this the story of my way to elite rank.
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