Logbook entry


29 Dec 2017Hantif
I've been grinding recovery missions to build up my fleet and finally ranked up enough to get a Federal Assault Ship and a Federal Drop Ship. When taking on Elite level missions, you will have hostile ships come for you after picking up the black box / rare artwork/ commercial samples so I needed something with more punch than my reliable AspX. I'm working a region with low security, so having Federal Security show up is not a given. I'll run if I get out numbered, but I like to take out pirates if I can. Bounties barely cover the restock and repair charges, so I have to rely on mission payouts to upgrade.
The FDS has more hardpoints, but maneuvers like a pig in mud compared to the FAS. I'm running large beam lasers and medium seeker missiles on both ships and the FAS has actually taken down NPC Anacondas, while the FDS struggles to survive a Vulture.
I miss the extra cargo space of the FDS, but returning to base every 3 missions instead of every 7 prevents me from failing more missions by getting blown up with a full hold.

Just my 2 cents.

CMDR hantif
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