#003 - What a Weekend
18 Nov 2020Aimy Bits
=== Logbook Entry #003 ===Year 3306
Sol 323
=== CMDR Gus Alcheri ===
That was quite the weekend - two community goals at once!
Both goals were pretty popular and completed Sunday evening. That meant the whole weekend was a race to reach the required top 25%. Firstly hauling building fabricators as stations dropped to low supply one after the other, next teaching myself to fight Thargoid Interceptors and proceeding to kill them all Sunday. It was a very busy time, but also very exciting. The final stretch on Sunday saw both goals progressing at multiple % per hour!
The final Numbers stand as:
13,198 tons delivered
61,200,000 combat bonds claimed
This was enough for top 25% in both goals, with some margin for comfort. A well earned FSD should be waiting for me by Friday.
The Journey back was another unexpected challenge: the Fleet Carrier where I stored my traveling ship, and in fact the non-combat modules of the AX-Krait had already left - stranding me in the Coalsack in the Krait. With a meager range of 158ly, the bubble seemed an eternity away. Using multiple manually plotted shorter Jumps, I managed to travel on a roundabout Path back to the bubble, refueling at both Pratchett's Disk and Harvard Terminal.
Now to relax and take it easy for a few days - that was quite the effort.
So long, and all the best
~ Gus Alcheri