Logbook entry

Successful Mission

04 Jan 2020U5mcrule5
It started off as a normal day, spent my time doing ship maintenance waiting for my comm link to buzz indicating I have a mission. I don't know maybe a few hours after I went through my maintenance as I relaxed on my bunk a very scrambled transmission came through and it was hard to tell what they were asking for all I could make sense was they were in trouble and needed evac as soon as possible. I ran to the cockpit jumped in the seat and took off without even worrying about asking for permission to take off from control all I had from the transmission was a plant name and where to go, only problem was it was in heavy hostile territory. When I finaly made the jump into the *Classified* system I was greeted by the same transmission I received earlier this time loud and clear.

"This is agent *Classified* my cover has been blow and the safe house is over run if any Nexus ships are receiving please come to the *Classified* system and touch down outside of *Classified*"

All while I was straining to hear what the Agent was saying I could hear gun fire and all out war in the background. I made my way plant side luckily missing several patrol craft in system and in atmosphere. I touched down my dropship and quickly sent my clearance codes hoping I wasn't too late knowing I can't stay long. After what felt like a eternity I saw movement outside my cockpit 3 human's 2 of which were carrying the other on a stretcher I dropped my hatch and went to meet them, my sidearm drawn just in case. When they got closer I saw the Nexus patch and we exchanged our code words before helping them stabilize the agent on the stretcher who had fragments of shrapnel throughout there body. I ran back to the cockpit and quickly took off. Luckily everything was smooth sailing back to our home system once I was landed back I helped them off little to nothing was exchanged between me and the agent's I had rescued excpet for one thing that makes me proud to be a pilot was what the injured man said to me as the medics came to the landing pad.

"Thank you for saving us we thought all was lost"
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