Logbook entry

Biography of Commander Emiliee Kobayashi

Pilots Federation Record for Commander Registration EmmyJ96
Date: 24/10/3303

Primary Information
Full Name: Emiliee Kobayashi (エミリー 小林)
DOB: 21/12/3283
Gender: Female

Location of Origin
Home System: Eravate
Home Planet/Station/Settlement: Eravate 5

License Issuance Information
Date of License Issuance: 25/10/3303
Age at License Issuance: 20 Earth Years
Primary License Focus: Exploration

Medical Information and History
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: AB
Diagnosed Conditions: REDACTED
Treatment History: REDACTED
Medical Alerts: REDACTED

Notable Traits
Strong survival instincts. Able to solve problems in stressful environments. Can maintain focus on a task with almost unerring ease. Will use nearly any means possible to attain goals. Strong moral code that can come into conflict with previous note. Plans several steps ahead, and always has a contingency plan in place. An assassination attempt on Kobayashi resulted in REDACTED, further cementing all previous notes. Has ties to powerful allies due to family influence, but is not fond of using them. Is directly related to REDACTED family, via Kobayashi family branch. Calculating. Stable overall condition, but history of REDACTED is recorded.

Personal Biography
It seems someone with the Pilots Federation saw something promising in me... I can't tell what, myself. I wasn't the best in classes, I never really stood out in extracurricular activities, and I never did much outside of school. The only noteworthy thing about me that I can think of is my passion for things unknown... I was a daydreamer, and was getting lectured all the time for having my head in the proverbial clouds. But isn't that a bad thing? In any case, I'm truly humbled by this anonymous sponsors' high opinion of me, and I hope I'll be able to prove them right. But I guess I won't have as much time anymore for my interest in old 21st century Japanese animated 2D shows... Maybe I can go visit Japan in real life someday... That'd be something. Well, I'm probably going to do as my sponsor suggests based on what they somehow know about me and focus on exploration... If I'm in the black most of the time, I may have time for those old animes after all...

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