Logbook entry

Squadron Promotion

31 Jan 2023Bravo Orionis
My recent promotion to squadron leadership has been fraught with challenges that keep me from reflecting enough to log my thoughts.

Our previous invasion of the Mo Disci system, which was supposed to be nothing more than a civil action, turned into a full-scale war. A war with another dedicated faction that surprised the MC Navy leadership with their ferocity displayed in defense of their stations and space. While the conflict was won, it came with heavy losses on both sides. It took the full allotment of the squadron and all available flights 7 days of sustained combat to secure a fruitless "Khe San" victory.

The dedication of the local forces compelled the Chancellor to offer a truce to the EDC Commonwealth, which ultimately led to withdrawal of all MCN assets and abdicated control of the system in order to form a mutually beneficial alliance with the EDC. This alliance, while passive at the moment, may prove very useful in future conflicts with common enemies.

The 1st MCWs adoption of the Krait MKII as the primary combat vessel has proven to be wise. The MC Navy has spared no expense in ensuring our Kraits are up-gunned and top tier engineered. The installation of plasma rails has convinced many of the more accomplished pilots to change their perspectives on the weapons. Previously seen as inefficient at doling out destruction, their performance in the CZs of Matyar Confederation have shown them to be "perfect tools on a perfect craft" allowing our pilots to come out victorious in 99.7% of all combat encounters.

The recent Thargoid incursions have alarmed the Chancellor, the Command Table at MC Navy HQ and the entire population of MatCon Space. While none of the Matyar Confederation systems are directly affected, the squadron has sent several flights of the most experienced pilots in the 1st MCW. Using the Krait MKII, the Battle AX Wing took the fight to the Thargoids and helped to retake several systems with direct action, as well as rescue missions with the fleet's large passenger carriers. These efforts were not without an enormous cost. Two of our irreplaceable squadrons Aces were KIA defending humanity against these infernal galactic Käfer.

How much longer can the squadron focus on the needs of the Matyar Confederacy while the Thargoid threat grows?

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