7 January 3308
07 Jan 2022.Cap.
CRICK OUTPOST | LHS 28953.5625 / 37.1875 / -2.90625
Sitting in the Hermes on a pad at Crick Outpost, I can't help but reflect on the past two years. Since departing Cubeo, my life has been a blur of star systems, space stations, and settlements. I have shed blood on behalf of people who's names I can't recall. I have invested countless hours in trying to sway the politics in systems I can't even locate anymore. I have visited black markets and black holes. I have seen the assassination of emperors and the birth of galactic corporations. I have seen the beauty and generosity of humankind, but have conversely seen it at it's darkest.
I miss my brother. I miss my father, as flawed as he may have been. The hundreds of millions of credits and the fleet of ships I have amassed have done nothing to fill the hole in my heart. I continue to be alone.
But today, as I chart my next course, the name Luna Sidhara pings on my comms. A name, a friend from the past. Yes, Alchemy Den...The Tavern.... The names are familiar. A quick search reveals 59 Virginis to be just a few jumps away. Is it a sign? Are they still there? It would take just a moment to broadcast a message, to reach out...