Distant Worlds 2 - Day 017
30 Jan 2019Raemeus
LOCATION: Rohini - Eudaemon AnchorageLOG: Decided to take the neutron highway back to Rohini for now, and do some exploring around there before the fleet moves on to the next waypoint. It's funny how quickly you get used to flying into neutron jets. Still white-knuckle flying, but it's not intimidating any more.
Limiting my plotting for the exploration around Rohini to F and A-type stars to up my chances of finding some new earth-like worlds, along with unclassified ones. So far I've found some terraformable water worlds, and a bunch of terraformable HMCs, but the only earth-like I've run into was already discovered.
Hopefully I have some better luck tomorrow.
CMDR Amara Raemeus