Distant Worlds 2 - Day 080
04 Apr 2019Raemeus
LAUNCH: 04/03/3305 - 2338Z, Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454 - 3 a (Tranquility Valley)DESTINATION: Bleethuae NI-B D674 - 2 d a
LANDING: 04/04/3305 - 0041Z, Hyuqau GB-Z b32-0 - 1
LOG: Left Tranquility Valley for the Morphennial Nebula. Planning to make a stop at the Neighbouring Necklaces, but that's the only tourist stop I've plotted.
The ration bar I had for breakfast isn't agreeing with me, so I'm setting down until my guts settle down. Hopefully back at it again soon.
CMDR Amara Raemeus