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So, you want to go Exploring...

01 Nov 2023Mana Takakura
So, you want to go exploring.

First question to answer is; HOW FAR are you looking to explore out from the bubble?

This question may seem like the answer would allude to your Jump Range, but it is more than that
Jump Range isnt everything, and most long range explorers are going to be carrying plenty of modules that will decrease max jump range

Let's say you want to choose a direction and just go explore. What do you need to survive?

Mana's Recommendations:
At least 30ly jump makes things easy further out you go (A-rated FSD at least)
Fuel Scoop, biggest and best you can fit/afford
Detailed Surface Scanner
AFMU, preferably 2 if you can fit in a second (to fix eachother, they cant fix themselves)
SRV Bay (if you want to land and explore on planets)

If you are looking to get the most out of your jump range, you will be needing Some engineering, focusing on reducing weight and increasing FSD range (with mass manager experimental)
Thankfully, once you have engineering open, you can really go out exploring in anything, which opens up your options

But what if you dont have engineers unlocked, and dont care to do so yet?
Fret not! Here's a selection of starter builds that can give you an idea of what to look for

Here's a few Mana has built for others:

http://s.orbis.zone/bp_s | Dolphin, 3.9mil, 30ly jump. Mana's favorite starter option
This Dolphin can easily be upgraded, and 5 of Mana's irl friends are out in the black in this exact build

https://s.orbis.zone/hqw- | Same Dolphin, 7.2mil, engineered

http://s.orbis.zone/bp_m | Diamondback Explorer, 8.3mil, 36ly unengineered.
This DBX is minimalist for plantary explorers, can easily be made even better with engineering, and has 2 more optional slots for customizing

http://s.orbis.zone/bp_u | Asp Explorer, 20.5mil, 33ly jump, a standard loadout for most explorers
This AspX is a popular explorer for ED players, many many playrs out in the black in one of these!

http://s.orbis.zone/bp_z | Anaconda, 291mil, 35ly jump, for those who have plenty of credits
Money isnt an object? Want to go for the long haul, leaving everyone behind? This ship is able to stay out for a very long time, complete with repair limpets

A few notes on builds:
A rated power plants are more heat efficient than the rest, so if Heat is a concern, upgrading the power plant is advised
Toggling un-needed modules off will help with power, so you can use smaller power plants, such as keeping shield off until going into land on a planet, same with SRV bays; keeping AFMUs offline until needed and toggling the fuel scoop off to use the AFMU, etc etc
Neutron Star FSD charging causes stress and damage to your ship, as dos overheating, so keep an eye on your modules.
Repair Limpets can repair your hull, as well as your Canopy (as long as it is repaired BEFORE it fully breaks)

What if you just want to go tag a few planets for money?
Let's say you dont want to go very far, you just want to go try out exploring

Easy enough to do, even in a sidewinder!

Slap a Fuel Scoop in and head out!

What if you do want to go far, but dont want to go out aimlessly into the black?

Easy too! Just set a route of your own or find a high paying route thanks to Spansh

[ https://spansh.co.uk/riches ]

Adding a Detailed Surface Scanner will drastically increase your payout, but you can go without one to get started, just use your Full Spectrum Scanner and discover the planets!
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