Logbook entry

Guardian Fighters

01 Nov 2023Mana Takakura
So you want to unlock the Guardian Ship-Launched Fighters?

OK! This i going to be similar to the Module and Weapons unlocking procedures, with an extra step added in!

"In contrast with human-manufactured Ship-Launched Fighters, the [Guardian Fighter] is an all-rounder that relies on its unique Guardian weaponry. It is slightly slower than the F63 Condor, slightly less manoeuvrable than the Gu-97, and has significantly less armour than the Taipan, but its damage output is substantial, especially against Thargoid craft."

The first step is to get your ship set up.

Take your ship of choice, put a Beam Weapon on it (or have an slf with beam weapons) and put plenty of Point-Defense Turrets on the TOP of your ship.

Now, head over to
NGC 2451A Sector LX-U D2-25
You'll find a "Guardian Beacon" in your left panel. Select it and head on over!

Once you are there, charge the 3 Pylons uing your Beam (or your SLFs Beam)
Collect the Guardian Key (it's cargo)
Repeat that process 3 times, so you end up with 3 keys.

Done? Good! Head on over to
NGC 2451A Sector VJ-R C4-22
and fly to the "Guardian Structure" on A1

Map of the Guardian Structure:

Land your ship near to the ruins (but not IN the ruin)
DONT DISMISS IT, it's Point Defense weapons will be shooting down the Sentinel's missiles soon. Put pips in Weps and Sys before deploying your SRV.

SRV time!
Watch for Sentinels, they'll be harassing you for trespassing. Get 3 pips to sys and 3 pips to weps, and you should be good! Collect the parts they drop, always handy.

Head to the Red Dots on the Far Right of this map (near the Blue dot) and charge the pylons with your SRV's weapons. Aim for the glowy part of the pylons.

Now head around the Ruins, tagging each of the Pylons (red dots on map) until they turn on their Bat Signals!

Once you have all of them lighting up the sky, head over to the start (thee two pillars near the blue dot on the map) and find the Plate on the floor. Jettison a Guardian Key here (from your right hand panel > cargo > Guardian Key > jettison 1)

Once the fun show of the structure opening up and popping out a glowy blue orb is done, scan the Orb for the Data!

Drive around and collect the rest of the materials you'll need from the destructable panels around the Ruins, and scan the Obelisks for the data patterns. You may need to do multiple passes to get enough materials for even one fighter, so plan for that by bringing re-arm and repair materials for your SRV (or multiple SRVs, or both!)

Rinse, repeat 3 times (if you want all the fighers) and then head to a Guardian Technology Broker:
[ https://inara.cz/galaxy-nearest-stations/?ps1=Synuefe+PX-J+c25-8&pi1=0&pa1%5B26%5D=1 ]

Aaaand voila! You've baked a Guardian Fighter cake!

The info and Materials Needed for each of the Guardian Fighters:

XG7 Trident
The Trident's fully automatic Plasma Autocannon is an energy weapon with the lowest damage-per-shot (8) of all three Guardian hybrid fighters, but deals absolute damage, making it effective against both shields and hull. The weapon can fire for relatively long periods of time without overheating due to the Trident's lower heat generation. The Trident utilizes Guardian technology and is slightly more effective against Thargoids than human ships.

1 Guardian Starship Blueprint Fragment
25 Guardian Power Cell
26 Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
18 Pattern Beta Obelisk Data
25 Guardian Technology Component

XG8 Javelin
The Javelin's Shard Launcher is a projectile weapon with the highest potential damage-per-shot (133) of all three Guardian hybrid fighters. It has a slow rate-of-fire, limited ammo, a slow reload, and is only effective within close proximity of the opposition, but it is more or less equally effective against both human and Thargoid ships.

1 Guardian Starship Blueprint Fragment
25 Guardian Power Cell
26 Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
18 Guardian Sentinel Wreckage Components
25 Guardian Technology Component

XG9 Lance
The Lance's Gauss Focus Cannon is a projectile weapon with the second highest damage-per-shot (94) of all three Guardian hybrid fighters. It has a moderate rate-of-fire, but limited ammo, high heat generation, and reduced effectiveness against shields. The latter two traits make the Lance better suited for anti-Thargoid combat; the high heat generation may help burn off the caustic effect from Thargoid weapons fire, and most Thargoid ships either have no shields or generate shields intermittently.

1 Guardian Starship Blueprint Fragment
25 Guardian Power Cell
26 Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
18 Guardian Sentinel Weapon Parts
25 Guardian Technology Component
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