Logbook entry

Computer Components at Kaushpoos and the "Courageous"

25 Nov 2015Myshka
While making my way to Kaushpoos I made a few rather lucrative deals. In fact, so lucrative were they that I started eyeing up new ships along the way. A Hauler class made a lot of sense for my current mission, but the ship is just so ugly! And the amount of extra cargo space I had fitted to the Advantageous meant the capacity increase wouldn't be all that significant.

I'm glad now that I held off, because Kaushpoos was paying a very satisfying premium on the Computer Components. Apparently they are needed to outfit a new station which they are building as an explorer outpost somewhere. The Pleiades I think I heard. Ridiculously far out in the Black anyway. Still, rather decent profits to be had in the meantime.. and those Cobra class ships look so handsome! Not only are they perfectly capable traders, they can carry enough defensive equipment to provide quite a bite to any would-be pirates too!

So with that as my goal I hauled Computer Components to Kaushpoos, and whatever was wanted the other way, slowly building up the funds required for a Cobra. Along the way I also helped to eliminate a few pirates who were preying on the increased trade around Kaushpoos and got quite a surprise bonus one day as the local System Authority declared the system safe once again. With the bonus in hand I raced down to the Shipyard, as I did most every day, to check out the Cobras.

One in particular caught my eye, electric blue in colour. This one just had to be mine! After a bit of haggling, after all, it's last years model, and with the bonus payout to help, I was soon signing the paperwork declaring me the new owner of the Courageous, my first ever brand new ship! And what a beauty she is too! Not only is the cockpit large enough for a co-pilot, the living quarters are luxurious compared to what I've become accustomed to! This ship will certainly be comfortable enough for longer missions.

However, that would have to wait, there are still more Computer Components required here! How many tons do they need for a space station? Rumours in the space bars abound that it is actually only masquerading as a Station and in reality is being built as a major research computer, apparently to calculate The Answer, whatever that is supposed to be, which is also why it is being deployed far outside human space to avoid anybody tinkering with it.

Too excited to do otherwise, I spent the night sleeping in the Courageous's quarters instead of my normal practice of staying in one of the Station hotels. Loving that new-ship smell! The next day I headed to the Outfitters and customised her a little bit; Chaff launcher (I wasn't going to risk this beauty!) as well as extended cargo space for now - after all, there's still Computer Components to deliver even though the local producers are struggling to meet demand.

Soon enough I blasted out of the mailslot, getting dangerously close to the edge - I have to remember the Cobby is a LOT bigger! - and then looping and swooping around the Station infrastructure out of sheer delight. This netted me a small fine and a warning for Space Drunkenness.. well, drunk on the sheer excitement of this wonderful ship, maybe! But back to business, and off to haul more CC's..
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︎2 Shiny!
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