Cmdr NeonDreamer
Xenobiologist / Explorer
Registered ship name
[SVBK] Ashtaroth V
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom ASH-5
Overall assets
The Silverbacks

Logbook entry

Got to keep those pesky pirates down

23 Jan 2021NeonDreamer
It doesn't matter what system it is, there's always some shmuck trying to muscle their way in on someone else's goods. I got sick of it whilst mining, and it still grinds my gears to see it happening to other people.

I left Arexe today, after helping my fellow Silverbacks keep the system 'just so'. I like to think we are relatively even handed about this, but the Defence Force of Arexe have been getting ideas above their station. I'd been surveying local systems, trying to gather enough bits and pieces to finish the final touches to Ashtaroth IV. She's nearly there now, really just the beams left to do, and maybe a little trip to a couple of engineers to fine hone the experimental effects.

However, she's a proper little pirate spanker already.

Despite having flown through Quator more times than I care to mention, it was only because I was chasing down in system signals of interest that I noted the nav beacon there was compromised. I've noted this in other systems on my journey, but hadn't paid it too much attention. What an error on my part.

If putting pirates in their place in metallic rings is fun in a heavily engineered Corvette, well the nav beacon at Quator was like a theme park. Every scan of my scant cargo space (it's just limpets guys) was swiftly rewarded with a rain of multicannon incendiaries. You'd think the ship itself would make them think twice (although to be fair it is not sporting anything that makes it appear heavily modified to the casual observer), but no. There's always a chancer, or a wing of chancers, who think they've got the patter to make me part with... well they're not really interested in limpets as it turns out.. but think they're going to get away with an invasive scan, without some retribution.

I might stay a while and just deal a little more retribution before finishing that engineering after all.
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