Cmdr NeonDreamer
Xenobiologist / Explorer
Registered ship name
[SVBK] Ashtaroth V
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom ASH-5
Overall assets
The Silverbacks

Logbook entry

First running repairs

25 Jun 2021NeonDreamer
Took some time to acquaint myself with my AFMU today. After scanning a system with 3 water worlds (one terraformable) my next jump took me right into the path of a Y type star. Which is not scoopable. But with my bleary eyes it looked just like a red dwarf, so I flew towards it at full pelt anyway.

This was the first mistake. The second was FSD jumping to get away from it again. Quite a lot of heat damage sustained. So I had a quick leaf through the AFMU manual. The third mistake was taking modules offline in supercruise...

Things are mostly repaired now, but I'm glad Colonia is only 146 jumps away now. Should get there in one piece. I hope. Carto data haul is starting to look like a decent payout.
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