Cmdr NeonDreamer
Xenobiologist / Explorer
Registered ship name
[SVBK] Ashtaroth V
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom ASH-5
Overall assets
The Silverbacks

Logbook entry


30 Jun 2021NeonDreamer
I always said I'd visit Colonia when the Pilot's Federation gave me my triple. It's been an interesting wandering journey here - several hundred systems FSS'd, a few ELWs along the way. But nothing out of the ordinary. However I was so excited to see a Notable Stellar Phenomenon pop up as I jumped into the system. This is my first, I'd seen other pilots showing the strange geometric shapes in Lagrange clouds, and had hoped I might stumble across one along the way here. I didn't need to in the end, there was one waiting for me.

Despite my urgent requirement to offload carto data, and have a stiff drink after weeks in the black, I couldn't help myself just floating around the cloud, looking at these new and strange sights that the galaxy had offered me. They really are impressive in the flesh.

The 169M in carto data that was cashed in will go a long way towards paying for the drinks tonight!
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︎5 Shiny!
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