Logbook entry

War for Carcosa - September 13, 3306

16 Sep 2020Bigmaec
onboard Federal Corvette LRV Lurking Fear...

Maec swore violently, his black Corvette with Reaper-green accents rocking under fire of a whole kill team sent after him by Explorer's Nation.
"Shield breach attack" his COVAS laconically noticed. He flipped his 'Vette in a quick 180 degree turn, overriding
all safety protocols. Suddenly the enemy Fer-de-Lance was in his frontal firing arc. Two searing beams of green energy
ripped into the smaller fighter, nearly instantly vaporizing the enemies already depleted shields.
His multicannon turrets started to tear into the unshielded hull, rapidly destroying internal modules.
Suddenly the 'Lance exploded into a ball of flames, and Maec shifted his aim to one of the Fer-de-Lance's wingmates,
an Explorer Nation Vulture.
"Shields low" his COVAS warned, and Maec flipped a switch, releasing stored energy from his dual class 7 shield cell banks
into his bi-weaves. The temperature rose quickly in the cockpit, another warning klaxon and another laconic notice from LEO
stated "temperature critical"
Maec pushed yet another button, firing a heat sink to bleed off the massive excess heat of the SCBs.
His beams and rails tore into the Vulture, a lucky rail slug smashing through the powerplant, obliterating the smaller Fed vessel.

Maec's com channel cracked "they are running, we've broken them!", Van shouted triumphant.
CMDR Vandaahl, also in a Corvette, was another Reaper Veteran supporting the Nameless forces over a secondary conflict zone
some light seconds out from Robardin Rock, the final battlefield of this war.

Both Reapers charged their frameshift drive to return to The Rock...

This war was won, but the next one was already looming.
Several Fleet Carriers of Civitas Dei were enroute to Colonia,
and they surely weren't here for sightseeing and a Jaques Quinentian Still...
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