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Chronicles of Captin Pelley

17 Dec 2020Captin Pelley
Born in the Lave system, CMDR Captin Pelley moved to the Imperial core systems. After spending several years as a lowly bounty hunter for the Empire, CMDR Captin Pelley set his sights on greener pastures. After consulting the engineers about CMDR vs CMDR engagements he began creating his first CMDR vs CMDR ship, an Alliance Chieftain which he dubbed the [SSG] Memelord. After getting his shit pushed in for a few months, he began to start to improve and begin to claim victories. Captin Pelley than began building his second CMDR vs CMDR ship, a Fer-De-Lance, this would be his main vehicle for medium his CMDR vs CMDR engagements for the rest of his years.

CMDR Captin Pelley soon joined a short lived group called the Independent Pilots Association (IPA) which was instrumental in his start on the "git gud" train. IPA lasted for a bit under a year when internal drama caused the group to fall apart. The downfall of IPA lead to the creation of the group that he has been in for the last two years, Prism. Soon after Prism was founded PvP league season four started and him and three other members entered. While their wing fought valiantly, they did not make progress and he swore he would rectify this next league.

Captin Pelley soon found his love of large ships and dueling in such ships. His main ship for the longest time for large ship class duels was the cutter which he had numerous victories.

Prism began to host Scenic Fight Nights in which Captin Pelley took part in for a long while. Soon, another league was hosted, the SFN league. It was in this league in which Prism's team in which Captin Pelley was a part of took the win vs CTM and Nomads in the semi-finals and finals respectively (proof: https://youtu.be/6MO4UBP26jk). Soon after the victory, Captin Pelley started to use the Federal Corvette as his main dueling ship and to this date has only lost one fight out of thousands. This was the status quo for one to two years with Captin Pelley slowly improving.

PvP league season five started and a matured and hardened Prism entered a team and Captin Pelley knew that this league would turn out differently than season four, it had to. This league was one of the hardest fought leagues in the history of the league with the finals coming down to Prism vs NATO, another amazing group who Prism is very close with. The finals ended with Prism taking the Victory (proof: https://youtu.be/CLjqxt4298c). That then brings us up to today in which Captin Pelley is still actively playing and challenging friends and foes to duels in his spare time while partaking in organic PvP when he is with his group.

If you read this all the way then you now have eye cancer. Plz no bully (
I'm dogshit at writing too and for some reason wrote this in third person.
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