Logbook entry

Stand by the anchor!

16 Apr 2017Andrew Glock
6 months have passed since I start working in Malaikudi sector and during this period it became my new home. In addition to the fact that I've got apartment in Leopold Heckmann Ring, as a member of The 9th Legion, I really started to love that frontier depressive sector. Chana, Ch'in Shou, Kanandos. Hrymonada, Omicron Columbae, Uenne and many other nearby systems - all of them became so familiar and so...special for me now.
But even so - 6 months is pretty long enough and I started to get tired seeing the same brown and N class red dwarves from the cockpit of my ship. Duty is duty, but there are still lot of places which I want to visit and the galaxy is too huge to be pegged to one particular place anyway, so I informed Legion command about my further plans and I'm ready to go now.
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