Logbook entry

On the Edge

14 Aug 2017Andrew Glock
That's it. I finally made my trip to the top edge of the galaxy.
I covered a distance about 1500 Light Years to get there - not a great achievement actually, but frankly speaking I'm pretty tired already from those loneliness, emptiness, low gravity and frowst. Whatever the case, my goal has been reached and now sitting here, at the surface of the rocky body orbiting the lonely dim red dwarf, staring into blackness beyond the galaxy edge, I'm thinking that it's time to get my ass Asp back to the civilization.
And once again the sounds of that ancient song from XXI century going through my head:

...I know it's so hard
When I'm a long way from home
It's so much pressure on my bones
I'm such a long way from home
But I'll be back soon

I'm gonna be back soon
Oh, I'm gonna be back soon...

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