Logbook entry


11 Sep 2017Andrew Glock
Chana. The only system which have a planet with breathable atmosphere in Malaikudi sector. However, environmental conditions of Chana 3 makes it unfit for more or less comfortable habitation. In fact this is the tidally locked body with hot climate and 1.2G gravity and there's not much on it but harsh deserts and rocks - people prefer to live on the dark side of the planet in general. I know that something is better than nothing (especially for the people who living in this godforsaken frontier zone), but acorn were good till bread was found and that's why I decided to move to Nu-1 Columbae eventually.
The system is located in Biliri sector - not far away from Malaikudi (where I still have apartments in Leopold Heckmann Ring provided by The 9th Legion) and became to Imperial jurisdiction not so long ago. I fell in love the first time I saw it: pleasant blue-white star, one main outdoor world with breathable atmosphere, 4 terrafomable bodies and one cool terrestrial water world - it is not surprising that the system is the one of the most popular local tourist attraction.
For now I decided to rent a hangar in Stackpole Station and an apartments in the seaside city on the Nu-1 Columbae 2 planet . Despite pretty high surface temperature, the climate seems to be mild enough - at least here, closer to polar circles . And the landscape views are amazing: those rainforests and mountains look really beautiful combined with modern skyscrapers and cultivated lands. And 0.87G is encouraging as well...
So, the bags are being packed and... I guess I should call it my new home now? I wonder what number this is for me...
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︎2 Shiny!
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