Logbook entry

Betelgeuse - A big star

08 Sep 2015Lase Mooray
After buying my new Anaconda I wanted to take her out for more then just cargo running. So I started on a trip. Going from Reshas to Betelgeuse then on to Rigel, swinging by the Witch Head Nebula before returning home.

I managed to get to Betelgeuse today and wow. I came out of Hyperspace and Betelgeuse filled my view like most stars do. However although it filled the same amount of my view I noticed that I was some 2,000+ light seconds away from it! Normally you would be, what a few 10's light seconds away?

Using my advanced scanner I scanned the system and found 4 planets. I was closest to BG2 (sorry abbreviating now!) so scanned it, then BG3 was next followed by BG1. I couldn't actually get close to BG1 before my ship started to overheat, so much so that I will have to engage the auto-maintenance systems before moving on!

Still got out to BG4 and really got a feel for the size of Betelgeuse. I was about 0.4 light seconds from BG4 with the star about 23,000LS distant. And the star is STILL bigger than the planet!

Well once repairs are complete I will be heading on to Rigel.

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