Logbook entry

The Wrong Contract - Wanted

12 Sep 2015Lase Mooray

It pays to check who your target is when you accept a kill mission. Unfortunately I didn't this time - taking it on trust that the faction I worked with before haven't misled me previously. Well this time the trust was misplaced. The mark ended up being aligned with the largest faction of my home system, as such I now have a bounty on my head in that and some of the surrounding systems. I need to keep my head down for the next week until it all settles.

I have made contact with a faction I have worked with in the past, the only downside is they are based in Imperial space, but not aligned with them. I am making my way there now, although they are some 180LY distant. I was in Mortius when I got the bounty so I will get her to the Rafferty's Mobius station and then buy a cheap Sidewinder to return, sneak in and retrieve Aurora - my Anaconda - so that I may be of any use to my new associates.

Depending on how this week goes I may move all my ships down to this new station. The sad part is I don't know what my father has been told. I can't risk going to see him now, the authorities know where he lives and most likely have a watch on him.
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